The villain boss is my family

Chapter 697: Chapter of the End Times to the Beginning

Chapter 697 Returning to the beginning of the end of the world (36)

The hotel owner knocked on Yuan Lei's door.

He said, "Hi, your dinner is here."

Inside, Yuan Lei's eyes darkened, and he stood up to open the door.

The hotel owner saw that the door was open and wanted to go in, but Yuan Lei blocked the door and seemed to have no intention of letting him in.

"My mother is asleep, and the things are ready for me."

"Well, I wish you a pleasant meal."

The hotel owner gave him a deep look, then pushed the dining car away.

This is your last meal too, enjoy it!

After Yuan Lei closed it, he opened the plate in his hand and found that the food inside was very red, as red as blood.

Thinking of what Lu Chengran told him, he retched for a while, and then quickly closed the lid, so that he couldn't see it.

The hotel owner went back to his darkened room to check the video surveillance, watching every move of each of them.

Seeing them as wedded lambs.

His eyes deepened, he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, and then smiled strangely.

None of them can escape tonight.

This is where they died.

Then he stood up and walked away, in this room.

Came to a dark basement.


At half past eleven.

The whole hotel was very quiet and people were asleep.

It was quiet outside the hotel, and there was no one there.

And somewhere in the distance, there are a few swaying figures, and a closer look shows that those terrified zombies are walking in this direction.

This situation was not discovered by anyone.

Everything is quiet.


At this time, in the hotel room, Yuan Lei couldn't sleep, his whole nerves were tense.

He looked at his sleeping mother and was a little worried, not knowing what would happen tonight.

But tonight will be a sleepless night.

In addition to him not being able to sleep, Lu Chengran in the other room was also unable to sleep.

He sat on the sofa as if waiting for something.

"Meow meow meow……"

Shi Jiu squatted beside him, half-closed his eyes.

Lu Chengran looked down at her, stretched out his hand and scratched her chin, "Little boy, can't you sleep too?"

She raised her head, "Meow meow..."

The current situation is grim, how can she sleep.

Lu Chengran touched her head to comfort her, "Go to sleep, I will accompany you."

Shi Jiu paused, and smiled inwardly.

another room.

Chu Ming was so worried that he was already sound asleep.

Father Chu's face turned dark when he was woken up by his snoring. He stretched out his hand and threw a pillow over. Seeing his son's poor sleep, he felt disgusted in his heart.

He put his hand on his forehead, how could this be his son.

He turned on the light and was about to get out of bed to go to the bathroom, when he heard soft footsteps outside.

The hotel owner came outside the door. He adjusted his glasses and held a sharp knife behind his back.

He wanted to reach out to knock, but he didn't knock it down. After thinking about it, he turned and left.

Father Chu's expression froze slightly, he seemed to hear the voice outside the door going away.

The hotel owner paused as he passed by, then lifted his foot and left.

It seems that this is not his goal.

Father Chu in the room frowned, who would be outside at such a late hour.

Who could have been outside just now?

Chu Ming, who turned over, was awakened by the glare of the light. He hugged the extra pillow sleepily, sat up slowly and stretched out his hand to rub his eyes, "Dad, what are you doing so late? ?”

They have to hurry tomorrow, won't his father be sleepy?

Father Chu pursed his lips, "It seems that someone passed by outside just now."

Chu Ming yawned, "Dad, maybe you heard it wrong, who would be outside so late, don't be suspicious and go to bed!"

After he finished speaking, he fell asleep.

Father Chu suddenly felt uneasy, and he couldn't tell what the uneasiness was.

After contemplating for a while with no results, he turned off the light and fell asleep.


Yuan Lei heard footsteps in the distance and quickly turned off the lights in the room.

The quiet footsteps gradually became clear.

Heart suddenly raised.

Is the other party going to make a move?

He held his breath, clenched his hands slightly, and looked at the closed door through the darkness.

Finally, the hotel owner stopped in front of Yuan Lei's room door.

He smiled strangely.

Then take them first.

He took out the spare key and opened the door.

Yuan Lei heard the sound of the door being opened, he lay on the sofa and closed his eyes.

The hotel owner walked in slowly.

He saw the person sleeping on the sofa, and he walked slowly over with a knife in his hand.

Yuan Lei breathed calmly and waited for his approach.

The hotel owner raised his knife and stabbed it down.

He immediately opened his eyes and kicked him.


People were kicked far away by him.

The hotel owner quickly got up and rushed over.

Yuan Lei wrestled with him for a long time.

The sound of the two fighting woke up the original mother who was sleeping inside.

She walked out suspiciously.

She suddenly opened her eyes wide when she saw the two fighting outside.


After the hotel owner threw Yuan Lei to the ground, his face turned hard. Anyway, he had already been exposed, and without a word, he immediately rushed to Yuan's mother with a sharp knife.

"Mom, be careful!" Yuan Lei shouted from behind.

"Meow meow meow……"

A black shadow rushed over, jumped up and bit the hotel owner's hand fiercely, and the other party shook desperately in pain.

Shi Jiu bit his wrist tightly to prevent him from breaking free.

The hotel owner gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand and grabbed her head and squeezed it tightly, "Damn beast!"

Shi Jiu grinned in pain and screamed.

When Lu Chengran rushed over, he set his eyes on her, and when he heard the heart-piercing meow, his expression darkened and he rushed over.

The hotel owner was shocked when he saw him coming. He tore away the cat in his hand regardless of the pain, and ran to the window as if trying to escape from here.

Lu Chengran hurried forward, and the other party had already jumped out of the window.

"Meow meow meow……"

There was a soft meowing sound.

He hurried over and hugged her, "Little boy, how are you?"

Shi Jiu curled up in his arms aggrieved, "Meow meow..."

Her head hurts and she needs to rub it.

Lu Chengran found a bloody stain on her head, and he comforted her with distress.

"Little boy, don't be won't hurt anymore when you go back and apply medicine to you."

When Shi Jiu heard his soothing voice, she curled up limply in his arms.

"Meow meow meow……"

The original mother came over and looked at the white cat in his arms very worried, "Is it all right?"

If it hadn't saved her, I'm afraid now...

Hearing her concern, Shi Jiu showed her face and said to her twice, "Meow meow..."

Tell her she's fine and don't worry.

Yuan Lei came over, "Mom, are you okay?"

The original mother shook her head, "It's okay."

She wondered, "What's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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