The villain boss is my family

Chapter 708: Chapter of the End Times to the Beginning

Chapter 708 Returning to the beginning of the end of the world (47)

Half an hour later, they arrived at the institute.

The research institute is located in a relatively remote place, there are not many people around, only a few people can be seen walking occasionally.

After Chu Ming got off the car, several people in the car also got off.

He looked back at his father, "Dad, is this here?"

Father Chu nodded, "It's here, but why does it seem to be different here, it feels a little quiet."

Chu Ming raised his head and glanced at the gate of the research institute, "Perhaps this is not a place where everyone can come, and it will be deserted if there are few people."

Afterwards, Lu Chengran also got out of the car, frowned when he saw the research institute inside, and walked over.

Shi Jiu in his arms frowned, she could feel that woman Shi Linglong was nearby, but she couldn't determine the exact location for the time being.

So, a group of people walked into the research institute.

Because Father Chu had been here once and was quite familiar with this place, he led them into the research institute with ease.

After entering, they looked around the environment here.

The institute is very big and clean.

And the clothes on them haven't been changed and washed for a few days, they are a little crumpled, and they look a little out of place here.

Shi Jiu kept scanning the surroundings, and found that this place was also full of Shi Linglong's breath, but it was more intense.

"Who are you looking for?"

A female voice came into their ears.

Everyone looked up.

The other party was a woman in a study uniform and glasses.

And this woman was transformed by Shi Linglong.

She glanced at the crowd and was stunned. The first thing she saw was Lu Chengran standing behind.

He is... Mu Xie.

"Woman, your enemy has come."

When Shi Jiu heard about it, he raised his head and looked through the gap in the crowd.

She snorted coldly, could she not recognize her if she changed her skin?
and also.

What kind of eyes is that on her.

This man is hers.

Lu Chengran casually scanned around, and the woman's direction swept randomly, and finally landed on other places.

Seeing this, Shi Linglong slowly raised the corners of her lips.

It turned out to be the case.

All of this makes sense.

The woman put so much effort into collecting Mu Xie's soul fragments.

After Mu Xie's soul flew away, the fire unicorn did not die, but disappeared for tens of thousands of years.

It seems that Mu Xie's soul was preserved, and it is estimated that Huo Qilin's contribution is not small.

Thinking about it, she snorted coldly.

It seems that the woman was rescued by Huo Qilin.

Huo Qilin, even if you rescue that woman from the land of chaos, it doesn't matter, with that woman's current skills, she is not her opponent at all.

Huo Qilin felt her deep hostility, tried to hide his aura as much as possible, and at the same time told Shi Jiu to be on guard against her with his spiritual sense.

After all, this woman can do anything.

Afterwards, Shi Jiu'an quietly curled up in Lu Chengran's arms, trying not to make a sound.

When Father Chu saw who it was, he walked up slowly with a smile, "Xiao Zhao, do you still remember me? I was the one who came to your place last time to take away the virus."

Shi Linglong stared blankly at him, then nodded quickly, "So it's you!"

She paused, "Are you here also...?"

Father Chu laughed dryly: "It's like this. I came here to meet your dean. I have something to ask him."

"Didn't you come to look for it last time?"

"But I haven't seen your dean!"

Shi Linglong smiled, "Sorry, I forgot."

Chu Ming on the side raised his eyebrows, "Actually, we have something important to discuss with him."

(End of this chapter)

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