The villain boss is my family

Chapter 715: Chapter of the End Times to the Beginning

Chapter 715 Returning to the beginning of the end of the world (54)

He saw clearly the appearance of that shadow.

The face is weird, human-like but not human, with bat wings, and several times the size of a human.

There are also a dozen smaller batmen behind him.

Seeing that he was about to dodge Batman's direct attack, Lu Chengran kept firing fire attribute abilities in his hand.

Batman was hit by the flames, and it screamed heart-piercingly, and it waved its powerful wings.

It looked at Lu Chengran angrily, wishing to tear him to pieces.

Lu Chengran watched with a sullen face as the big guy in front of him hugged Shi Jiu fiercely, and prepared to attack with his other hand.

The Batman looked down at him, as if looking at a dead object.

"Woman, this bat alien seems to be enraged. With the current demon king, he probably can't hold back its anger."

Shi Jiu looked at the behemoth in front of him.

She asked abruptly: "Huo Qilin, are you better or this big guy?"

After a while, Huo Qilin's smelly voice came over, "It goes without saying, of course I'm the best."

Shi Jiu nodded in relief, finally it will come in handy.

She glanced at the huge monster ready to go, "Fire Qilin, then I'll leave this place to you,"

Fire Qilin: "..."

Taking advantage of the emptiness when the two were still communicating, Batman launched an attack.

"Meow meow meow……"

Shi Jiu cried out in fright.

The Fire Qilin unleashed less than one-thousandth of its own coercion.

Batman's movements were hampered.

It immediately prostrated itself on the ground, its expression became a little uncomfortable, and it let out an ugly cry.

The not very strong Batman next to him was instantly reduced to ashes.

Seeing this scene, Huo Qilin's proud voice reached Shi Jiu's ears.

"Woman, have you seen it, isn't it amazing?"

Just when he was about to speak, the Batman stood up, and then its eyes fell on Shi Jiu's body, and it flapped its wings unexpectedly, knocking Lu Chengran aside.

Shi Jiu separated from his arms and jumped to the ground, a cat was suddenly exposed under Batman's eyes.

Lu Chengran was kicked a few meters away, his throat felt sweet, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing that he was injured, Shi Jiu hurried over, seeing the pool of blood on the ground, she rubbed her head against his hand in distress.

"Meow meow meow……"

How is he? Is he alright?

Lu Chengran coughed heavily, and the cough was very uncomfortable. He looked at the white cat in front of him in a daze, smiled, and stretched out his hand to stroke her head.

"Little boy, get out of here quickly and leave me alone."

Shi Jiu shook her head, she couldn't leave here alone.

She wants to live and die with him.

She frowned and looked at the bat-man in front of her, feeling mad, "Huo Qilin, is this all you can do?"

A majestic beast, this little bat and other human beings can't handle it, what about its face?

Huo Qilin's weak voice came: "Woman, I forgot that all my divine power was spent on the Lord Savior. There is not much divine power left, and I can barely last for a while now."

Shi Jiu's face was dark, "The guy who has done more than failed."

Huo Qilin was very obedient this time and did not speak.


Those who ran away looked back and saw a monster they had never seen standing in front of Lu Chengran.

When Lu Chengran seemed to be about to die under its hands, Chu Ming cursed secretly.

He couldn't run away alone, he was his brother and friend, he couldn't leave him alone.

Even though he was terrified of dying in his heart, these fears could only be left behind at the moment.

He gritted his teeth and rushed over.

Father Chu saw him running back and shouted: "Stinky boy!"

He was worried about his son, so he also chased after him.

Yuan Lei pursed his lips and looked at your mother, "Mom, I..."

The original mother seemed to understand his thoughts, she nodded, "Go."

When Yuan Lei heard that she agreed, he was relieved from the bottom of his heart.

He warned: "Mom, don't follow, you find a place to hide..."

"But, this..."

"Come on, mom, find a place to hide and don't come out."

After speaking, Yuan Lei rushed over there.

Mother Yuan, who was standing alone, looked very worried at the few people running in front of her. She clasped her hands together and kept praying in her heart, praying that they would all return safely.


At this time, Chu Ming ran over and helped the injured Lu Chengran up, "How are you? Are you okay?"

Afterwards, Father Chu and Yuan Lei also rushed back.

Seeing them coming, Lu Chengran couldn't help but frowned, and coughed in a low voice: "Why are you all back, didn't you tell you to leave!"

Chu Ming looked at his distressed appearance and snorted coldly: "I'm not worried that if you die, no one will cover me in the future."

When Lu Chengran heard his concerned words, he sighed slightly in his heart.

They don't know if they can leave here safely today.

Soon, Batman came to them.

A huge figure enveloped them, Chu Ming swallowed his saliva, "What kind of monster is this, it looks too ugly!"

As if the Batman could understand what he said, he was angry.

Lu Chengran hurriedly pushed him away, "Go!"

Chu Ming looked at him with a sullen face, "Even though I'm very scared, I won't leave!"

He helped Lu Chengran up, "Let's go together!"


In an instant, they were overturned to the ground.

Chu Ming was injured and passed out. Father Chu quickly helped him up when he saw it, "You brat! You brat!"

Do not flee from here on his back.

Yuan Lei on the side quickly helped Lu Chengran to leave together, while Shi Jiu followed behind them.

How could Batman let them leave here so easily and attacked them.


The explosion sounded.

Several people running were blasted by the flames.

They all fainted.

Batman came to them in an instant.

The hair on Shi Jiu's body had already turned black, and she stood in front of them, grinning at it, even though it didn't hurt the Batman, but that was all she could do.

Batman looked at the small white living body under his eyes, and it grabbed Shi Jiu.

The sharp and long nails quickly pressed Shi Jiu's body, and blood flowed out along the nails.

Batman smelled the subtle smell of blood, and he took a deep sniff.

He opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue, and licked the blood on Shi Jiu's body.

On the ground, the dying Lu Chengran was covered with blood, and he couldn't move.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw the scene. He saw the ball of white was dyed bright red, and he stretched out his hand very hard, he wanted to stop it.

The seven-color beads that rolled to the side rose slowly, and finally merged into his body.

After a while, Lu Chengran stood up slowly, his face expressionless, and the aura on his body gradually changed, becoming gloomy and dark.

 Why is this plane so long...

  I don't know why it's so long...


(End of this chapter)

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