The villain boss is my family

Chapter 732: Chapter of the End Times to the Beginning

Chapter 732 Returning to the beginning of the end of the world (71)

The zombies were instantly surrounded by the dazzling light. They all stopped all movements and knelt on the ground with their heads folded. Their faces were ferocious, and they kept screaming in pain.

Chu Ming slowly opened his eyes and found that the zombies did not charge over.

His eyes lit up.

He succeeded!

Immediately, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Mu Xie, who was standing behind him, reminded him, "Don't be distracted and concentrate."

He nodded, and continuously released healing energy beams.

Some zombies struggled desperately to rush over again, but surrounded by healing energy, they could only crawl on the ground, howling in pain.

Slowly, the zombie gradually calmed down. It was no longer as manic and barbaric as before. The expression on its face gradually changed, and every part of its body returned to its human appearance.

Finally, they turned back.

People who have recovered, you look at me, I look at you, and you don't understand why you are here.

"Didn't I get bitten by a zombie? I'm still alive, that's great!"

"Where is this? Where are we?"

Chu Ming stared in surprise when he saw that they had just returned to their original appearance.

Damn, he's really that powerful!
Hearing the voice of zombies not far away, he looked at the recovered humans and said quickly: "Don't be dazed, it's not easy to restore you to your original state, there are still zombies outside, you should go and hide inside quickly. Don't come out."

The recovered people nodded and hurried inside to hide.

Afterwards, Chu Ming looked at his hands and couldn't help but marvel, "Hey, this ability is too awesome!"

Mu Xie's voice came over suddenly, and his tone was a little casual: "Before dawn, restore all the zombies here to normal, can it be done?"

Chu Ming: "..." His boss actually values ​​him so much!
He nodded reluctantly, "I can be done."

"Then leave it to you."

Afterwards, Mu Xie explained a few words?

He paused, "I'll go and attract the zombies, and I'll see you on the top floor then."

After speaking, he left here.

Chu Ming nodded, and he instantly felt that the burden on his body was heavier.


Time passed slowly, and it was already past eleven o'clock in the night.

Chu Ming was leaning against the wall exhausted at this moment, he was panting heavily, his face was covered with sweat, he swallowed his saliva.

He is almost out of strength now, the operation of this ability is too fucking exhausting of his own physical energy.

I don't know if he can stick to the final victory.

Finally, he finally ran to the roof of the top floor.


Mu was already waiting there, and there were zombies all around him, and many zombies were rushing towards him.

Chu Ming who came up was already shocked by the scene in front of him. Is this something people do!
How did he control so many zombies!

This is also great!

Mu Xie frowned at the ugly zombie in front of him, then turned to Chu Ming, "What are you doing in a daze, hurry up!"

Chu Ming nodded and walked over.

He stretched out his hand, tried his best to gather energy with all his strength.

All of a sudden, the zombies were all wrapped in the energy circle.

His physical energy was exhausted too quickly, thin beads of sweat slowly appeared on Chu Ming's head, and his face became a little pale. His body had already reached its limit, and he felt that he was about to be unable to hold on.

He said with difficulty: "What to do... I... I can't hold it anymore!"

At this time, behind him, many zombies took the opportunity to break into the rooftop.

Mu Xie frowned, and he couldn't move away. As soon as he left, these zombies would lose control, and the consequences would be disastrous.

Shi Jiu watched that scene, feeling anxious in his heart.

At this time, it was just twelve o'clock.

"Woman, you are about to transform."

She was overjoyed, and quickly jumped out of Mu Liang's arms, and immediately turned into a human.

Mu Xie was stunned for a moment when she saw her, and before she could say a word, she saw Shi Jiu without turning her head and said, "Mu Xie, I'm going to help him."

He stopped her, "Xiao Jiu..."

Shi Jiu stopped, turned around and smiled, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Then, her figure ran over.

Mu Xie looked at her figure for a long, long time.


Shi Jiu knocked down all the zombies who wanted to attack Chu Ming in an instant.

She came to Chu Ming's side, seeing that his condition was not very good, she asked: "How are you, can you hold on?"

His appearance seems to have reached the extreme.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it will be unbearable.

Chu Ming glanced at her and nodded, gritted his teeth, "No... no problem!"

However, the zombies rushed up again after another wave. Shi Jiu had a cold face and knocked all the zombies away.

She protected Chu Ming and kept cleaning the zombies around him.

Huo Qilin's voice came over, and he was a little anxious: "Woman, your time is running out, you have to hurry up and make a quick decision..."

Shi Jiu nodded, clenched his hands, raised his eyes to see the zombies rushing over again, and quickly dealt with them.

Chu Ming had already reached the limit of his physical strength.

Thinking of such innocent people, he shouted, strengthened the energy in his hand, a group of dazzling light burst out, and that light instantly illuminated the entire night sky.

The dark night sky was like daytime, and the zombies were shrouded in light.

Shi Jiu raised his head with joy on his face.

This is……

Humanity is saved!
Chu Ming was drenched in sweat, and he kept sending energy with a sullen face.

Those zombies wrapped in healing energy will eventually return to their normal appearance.

They watched themselves become normal and hugged each other happily.

Chu Ming exhausted all his strength. He closed his eyes and fell backwards.

He's so tired, he wants to sleep for a while, just for a while.

Shi Jiu was so frightened that he ran up quickly. She stretched out her hand to check all the indicators on his body, and she was relieved when she found that nothing happened.

Immediately, a familiar voice entered his ears, "Xiao Jiu..."

Shi Jiu raised her eyes and found that Mu Xie was already standing in front of her.

Mu Xie looked at him so nervous about other men, his face was slightly sullen: "Xiao Jiu, isn't this gentleman enough to worry about you?"

Shijiu: "..."

Why does your tone sound a little sour?
She stood up and smiled lightly, "Why is it not enough, you alone have endless worries."

Mu Xie looked at her face, and slowly raised the corners of his lips, he smiled with satisfaction, "Really?"

Shi Jiu smiled and looked like a little fox.

She nodded, "Of course."

"Little Nine..."

Before Mu Xie finished speaking, Shi Jiu instantly turned into a cat.

"Meow meow--"

Immediately, the man's face darkened.

Shi Jiu raised his head, and saw the man in front of him stunned for a moment.

Hey, how did she change back?


(End of this chapter)

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