The villain boss is my family

Chapter 743 woc He Comes to Force Marriage Again

Chapter 743 woc He Comes to Force Marriage Again (9)

The person in charge asked: "It's already 50 taels, does anyone here still want to bid? If not, 50,..."

"100 million taels."

There was a cold voice at the door
What followed was a dark and deathly aura, which made everyone's goosebumps rise from fear.

Then, everyone saw Mu Xie wearing a mask appearing in their eyes.

Suddenly there was an exclamation from the crowd, and someone seemed to recognize who he was
"He's wearing...a ghost mask...not good! It's Wu Lianqing, the big devil, here, everyone, run away!"

"I'm going to kill, I'm going to kill! Run, run!"

All of a sudden, everyone was cooking a pot of porridge, and ran around in fear.

When Shi Jiu was hiding not far away, she couldn't help feeling funny when she saw everyone running away when they saw him like a mouse seeing a cat.

The existence of Wu Lianqing is a deep-rooted fear in the hearts of the people!
Shen Zhenglin in the private room on the second floor saw him appear, and immediately jumped down from above.

He frowned and looked at the people running around, and said in a calm voice, "Don't be afraid, everyone, he dare not do anything to you with me around!"

Shen Zhenglin's words made everyone present to hide behind him and seek shelter.

He looked at the invincible man in front of him with hostility, "Wu Lianqing, I never thought you would dare to appear here!"

Mu Xie's eyes fell on him leisurely, and he narrowed his eyes, "You are Shen Zhenglin?"

Is he the one who framed those crimes on him?
He sneered, very good.

Shen Zhenglin snorted coldly, "Wu Lianqing, you not only killed my eldest brother, but also lost the lives of more than 100 people in the Shen family. Today I must kill the harm for the people. Kill you demon!"

Mu Xie's expression became dangerous, and he asked him with a low smile, "You want to kill the leader?"

"Stop talking nonsense, Wu Lianqing will take his life!"

Shen Zhenglin rushed over without saying a word.

Mu Xie didn't come alone, Yinfeng who was hiding in the dark immediately appeared to block his attack.


Shen Zhenglin was pushed back a long way, and after standing firmly on his feet, he looked at Yinfeng in astonishment.

This person's ability is actually above him!
Wu Lianqing is so powerful as a guard, so isn't this man...

Thinking about his face becoming ugly, he slowly clenched his hands.

He is hitting a stone with an egg now, overthinking his capabilities.

Qin Ruofeng, who was hiding in the dark, looked at Wu Lianqing not far away, his face darkened.

If it wasn't for him, Zhilu wouldn't...

The anger in his sullen face grew stronger.

Mu Xie walked in as if she didn't see the scared expressions of the others.

Suddenly he paused, his eyes turned away calmly, and he found Shi Jiu who was hiding not far away.

Oh, Xiao Jiu is actually there.

Shi Jiu was so frightened that he quickly hid.

He didn't see her, did he?

Mu Xie found a seat and sat down. He looked at the empty stage, "Why, the auction will not continue when the leader of the sect is here?"

Everyone was trembling, shrinking their heads to reduce their own existence.

He said calmly, "Continue."

Standing behind him, Yinfeng has a black thread on his hair, Master, you are here just to drop by.

Afterwards, he glanced up and said slowly, "Otherwise, none of you would even want to leave here."

Everyone's hearts were about to be overloaded, and they were frightened. He asked them to continue!
Shen Zhenglin said angrily, "Wu Lianqing!"

What is he trying to do!
If he did that, what would be his face!
Mu Xie glanced at him, "Shut up."


Shen Zhenglin felt a pain in his chest, and he said coldly, "Wu Lianqing, what on earth are you trying to do!"

Mu Xie smiled meaningfully, "Shen Zhenglin, we will settle our accounts slowly in the future."

Shen Zhenglin was stunned, suddenly feeling a sense of panic in his heart, and he was deep in thought.

Did he know something?

"Who is making such a loud noise here!"

Qin Ruofeng's figure appeared on the stairs, and he walked down slowly.

Shen Yun got out of nowhere and ran to his side, "Ruofeng."

Shen Zhenglin at the side was relieved when he saw that he had finally come out.

Mu Xie squinted her eyes and looked at him, "Master Qin Ruofeng, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

He actually had a marriage contract with Xiao Jiu.

When Qin Ruofeng thought about how he treated Shen Zhilu, he became more and more angry.

He asked calmly, "Wu Lianqing, how dare you appear here!"

"Haven't you hurt that woman badly enough?"

Shen Yun, who was standing next to him, clenched his back teeth angrily when he heard what he said.

damn it!
Can he not forget that woman?

Of course Mu Xie knew who the woman he was referring to was.

He looked arrogant, "What does this have to do with you?"


Qin Ruo was temporarily at a loss for words.

The melon-eating crowd watched the "war" not far away with relish.

Make trouble, make trouble, it has nothing to do with her.

Qin Ruofeng scolded angrily: "Wu Lianqing, Zhilu is really blind to fall in love with you!"

"It's not up to you to be blind or not, you are not qualified."

"You...Wu Lianqing is here today and I will kill you for Zhilu!"

With a cold face, Qin Ruofeng used the folding fan in his hand as a weapon and rushed over alone.
Yinfeng wanted to go forward, but was stopped.

Mu Xie raised his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, and stretched out his hand to clamp his folding fan accurately.

Everyone swallowed their saliva when they saw this scene, and the Qin family was not his opponent.

This big devil's martial arts is too powerful!

Not to be outdone, Qin Ruofeng raised his foot and kicked it vigorously.

And this made Mu Xie easily resolve it.

Back and forth, the two fought against each other for a while, Qin Ruo and others were always in a weak position, being suppressed by Mu Xie to death.

Mu Xie bounced him away vigorously, "Qin Ruofeng, you are no match for me at all."

Qin Ruofeng didn't seem to hear, and then rushed over.

Then, only a loud bang was heard.


A figure flew out.

Qin Ruofeng fell to the ground and vomited blood.

Shen Yun ran over worriedly, "Ruofeng! Ruofeng, are you okay!"

Qin Ruofeng pushed her away, reached out to wipe the blood on the corner of his mouth, coughed a few times, and stood up with difficulty.

"Wu Lianqing, unless you kill me, I won't let you leave here."

Shi Jiu saw his posture as if he would not give up until he killed Wu Lianqing, so she chose to stand up.

She yelled, "Stop it all!"

Hearing the voice, everyone looked over, only to see a woman with a veil slowly walking over.

Shen Yun recognized her at a glance, and she couldn't help asking: "Shen Zhilu, why are you here!"

Everyone was stunned, the woman in front of them was Shen Zhilu!

Then, they saw the woman take off her veil, revealing a beautiful face they were familiar with.

(End of this chapter)

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