The villain boss is my family

Chapter 749 woc He Comes to Force Marriage Again

Chapter 749 woc He Comes to Force Marriage Again (15)

Someone asked: "How to outwit it?"

"There are many ways to outsmart, such as weakness, what weakness does Wu Lianqing have?"

"In terms of weakness, he doesn't seem to have any."

Just when everyone was thinking about it, Shen Zhenglin suddenly said, "We might as well create a weakness for him."

"Lord Shen, what weakness did you create?"

His eyes flickered, and he said slowly: "Shen Zhilu."

Everyone suddenly realized.

"That's right, why didn't we think of that! We can use Shen Zhilu to get rid of Wu Lianqing!"

"By the way, Shen Zhilu is the niece of President Shen, will she agree to this matter?"

Shen Zhenglin looked at their earnest expressions, "I watched Zhilu grow up, she will definitely take care of the overall situation and abandon her personal love for children."

"Wu Lianqing killed so many lives and innocent people in the Shen family. Zhilu will definitely see which is more important. Don't worry, I will persuade her to help us complete our plan."

After he finished speaking, the corners of his mouth curled up vaguely.


During lunch time, Shi Jiu was called by Shen Zhenglin to have lunch together, and she agreed.

Chunchan held a few boxes of pastries in her hand, she asked puzzledly: "Miss, why do you think this second master suddenly remembered to have dinner with Miss?"

Usually the lady eats alone.

Shi Jiu paused and smiled, "Maybe he just wants to have a meal together."

Shen Zhenglin was so abnormal, he must have something to discuss with her, and eating was just his excuse.


At this time, Shen Yun came over and saw a table full of meals, she was surprised, "Father, is today a good day? Why do you ask people to cook so many dishes?"

She has a spicy taste, but these are obviously not her favorite food.

She wondered, "Father, is there a guest?"

Shen Zhenglin looked at her and explained: "Father called your cousin, she will come over to have dinner with us later."

Shen Yun became unhappy and played a little temper, "Father, why did you call your cousin over!"

It's Shen Zhilu again, it's her again!
damn it!
Seeing her being so unreasonable, Shen Zhenglin felt a little headache, "Father asked her to come because he had something to discuss with her."

She wondered, "What's the matter?"

"Let her kill Wu Lianqing."

"Father, Wu Lianqing is so powerful in martial arts, even you are no match, how could she kill Wu Lianqing?"

Shen Zhenglin sneered, "No one in the world can hide from feelings, including Wu Lianqing."

Shen Yun suddenly realized, "Father, you mean..."

She sneered in her heart, thinking that that woman would kill the man she once loved with her own hands, it must be very painful.

Shen Zhenglin glanced at her appreciatively, "That's right."

Shen Yun suddenly thought that if Wu Lianqing died, then Ruofeng would be with that woman.


Can't fulfill both of them!

But Wu Lianqing also wanted to get rid of it.

Suddenly, she was caught in a dilemma.


Not long after, Shi Jiu's figure appeared at the door.


Shen Zhenglin hurriedly said: "Zhilu, come in quickly, come in quickly, uncle asked the back kitchen to cook a lot of dishes today, and these are all your favorites."

She looked at the dishes on the table, and they were indeed her favorite dishes, "Thank you uncle."

Shen Yun glared at her displeased.

Shi Jiu automatically blocked that gaze, as if he didn't see her.

She raised her head and looked at Shen Zhenglin, "Uncle's birthday will be in a few days. When I went out today, I remembered that my uncle likes Xu Jinji's pineapple cake and sweet-scented osmanthus cake most. Zhilu bought some for uncle."

Afterwards, Chunchan put the pastry box on the table.

Shen Zhenglin froze for a moment, and contracted a little pain in his heart.

If the elder brother...

He squeezed his hands, and nodded happily, "Thank you, Zhilu, you still remember that I like Tsui Kam Kee's pastries the most."

"Uncle, you are welcome."

Shi Jiu looked sad, "My father also likes Xu Jinji's pastries the most, but unfortunately he can't eat them anymore."

Shen Zhenglin looked a little embarrassed.

Then he sighed, "Yeah, big brother, he will never come back again!"

He paused, and hurriedly greeted him: "It's alright, alright, Lu, sit down and eat, the food won't taste good when it's cold."

At nine o'clock, the sad look in his eyes disappeared.

Shen Yun behind him glanced at her unwillingly.


Halfway through the meal, Shen Zhenglin felt that the timing was about right. He looked at Shi Jiu and said, "Zhilu, Uncle called you here today because there is something he wants to tell you."

Shi Jiu paused, did he finally say something?
Shen Zhenglin said with a serious face: "Zhilu, do you want to avenge your father?"

She nodded, "Yes."

"Then do you want to kill Wu Lianqing?"

Shi Jiu's heart sank, it really was still this matter.

She nodded, raised her eyes and said firmly: "I want to kill him and avenge my father."

Shen Zhenglin breathed a sigh of relief, and she would definitely agree in this way.

"Well, uncle has a plan here, I hope Zhilu can help uncle."

Shi Jiu rolled his eyes in his heart, this old guy really knows how to calculate.

Didn't he just want to use her to kill Wu Lianqing?
If it was the original owner before, she could do it, but now it's her, she has the final say on whether to kill that man, and it doesn't count if he says it.

She looked serious, "Alright, Zhilu will definitely do her best to cooperate with Uncle's plan."

Afterwards, Shen Zhenglin told his plan, and Shi Jiupi listened with a smile on his face.

Use her not to say anything, but let her sacrifice her luster to seduce that man.

Shen Zhenglin stared at her, "Zhilu, everything is up to you! Getting rid of Wu Lianqing is the top priority!"

Shi Jiu nodded slightly, "Zhilu knows, Zhilu will definitely work hard!"

She continued: "Uncle, I'm full, I have some accumulated food and want to go out for a walk."

Shen Zhenglin replied and watched her leave.

Shen Yun looked at the person walking away, "Father, do you think she will kill Wu Lianqing?"

This woman used to like that man so much.

Shen Zhenglin said firmly, "Yes, she will definitely kill Wu Lianqing!"

Shen Yun lowered his eyes and pondered, not knowing what he was thinking.


After Shi Jiu walked out, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Chun Chan looked at her, "Miss, you..."

Miss, did she really let go?
Shi Jiu looked at her leisurely, "Chunchan, no matter who is my father-killing enemy, I will kill him, let alone my former lover."

Chun Chan pursed her lips and tears fell, "Miss... Chun Chan loves you so much..."

Shi Jiu couldn't laugh or cry, "Chunchan, don't cry."

This girl cried at every turn, and people thought she was bullying her when they saw her.

Chunchan nodded, and wiped her tears with her hand.

Then, the two left together.

(End of this chapter)

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