The villain boss is my family

Chapter 752 woc He Comes to Force Marriage Again

Chapter 752 woc He Comes to Force Marriage Again (18)

In a flash, half a month passed, and everyone almost forgot that Wu Lianqing came to Shen's residence to ask for Shen Zhilu's marriage last time.

But who knows, once the wave is not smooth, the wave will rise again.

For some reason, Shen Yun was detained by Wu Lianqing in the Valley of Thousand Souls. To put it bluntly, detention is at worst to be kidnapped.

The reason for his release was nothing else but to make Shen Zhilu agree to marry him.

The news quickly spread throughout the entire capital.

After hearing the news, Shen Zhenglin was the most angry.

He patted the table angrily, "Damn Wu Lianqing! If Yun'er has any troubles, I will definitely not let him go!"

He raised his eyes and looked at the housekeeper at the side: "Go and call Miss Zhilu here, and tell her that I have something to look for."


After a while, the housekeeper called Shi Jiu over.

She looked at Shen Zhenglin with a sullen face and pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Uncle, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Zhenglin was silent for a while, then looked up at her, "Zhilu, Yun'er was tied up by Wu Lianqing."

Shi Jiu lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Of course she knew that Wu Lianqing tied up the woman Shen Yun, and that man told her.

Unexpectedly, Shen Yun was so courageous that he went to the Valley of Thousand Souls by himself and told Wu Lianqing his father's plan.

But she was also stupid and naive, she really thought that Wu Lianqing would let her go back safe and sound, how could this fat sheep that was delivered to her door let it run away.

No, that man threatened her with this reason.

Shen Yun's death had nothing to do with her, but that man had plenty of ways to make her submit.

To be honest, she really wanted to kill that woman Shen Yun.

Shen Zhenglin hesitated for a moment before slowly speaking: "But his request is that you agree to marry him, and he will let Yun'er go. Uncle really doesn't know what to do, so he will tell you about it... "

Shi Jiu comforted him, "Uncle, don't worry, no matter what the price is, I will definitely save my sister and come back. I agree to his request."

This time it was a fake show for real, as the man wished.

"Zhilu wronged you, but the good news is that our plan can be advanced. After this incident, uncle will definitely find you a good family."

Shi Jiu lowered his head, "Thank you uncle."

She had a sneer on her face, this Shen Zhenglin was really hypocritical and disgusting, and in his eyes she was nothing more than a victim.

It's easy to find a good person, but who would dare to marry her after such a disturbance.

Hearing what she said, Shen Zhenglin finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Valley of Souls.

Mu Xie was playing with the wine glass, looking very lazy.

At this time, Yinfeng walked in, he lowered his head, "Master, Miss Shen Zhilu is here."

He paused, "Shen Zhenglin is also here."

With a smile in Mu Xie's eyes, he pursed his lips: "Let her in, she will come in alone."

Yinfeng froze for a moment, he nodded. "Yes, Master."



Shen Zhenglin looked at the heavily guarded Valley of Thousand Souls, and his heart sank. It is really not easy to break into this place.

It is difficult to decipher the strange formation in front of him alone.

Standing next to him, Shi Jiu looked calm, not knowing what to think.

Shen Zhenglin told her again and again: "Zhilu, don't act rashly when you see Wu Lianqing in a while, and be careful, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted."

She nodded, "Got it, uncle."

After a while, Yinfeng came out of the formation and looked at them expressionlessly: "The leader said that Miss Shen Zhilu can only go in alone, and the rest of you can only wait here."

Hearing this decision, Shen Zhenglin clenched his hands.

Wu Lianqing's vigilance is really high!
He looked at Shi Jiu worriedly, "Zhilu, remember what I said, you should be careful alone, and don't confront him head-on."

Shi Jiu nodded, followed Yin Feng and walked in.

Seeing the two disappear into the formation, Shen Zhenglin's expression froze.


Shi Jiu followed Yinfeng to the place she had been to last time.

Yinfeng stopped and turned around, "Miss Shen Zhilu, the leader is inside."

She nodded, opened the door and walked in.

The environment inside was shrouded in clouds and mist, full of fairy spirit, like a fairyland, and then she saw Wu Lianqing behind the curtain.

"Come here." The cold and mellow voice came into her ears.

She raised her eyebrows and walked up.

Mu Xie looked at the approaching person below, the corners of his mouth slowly raised.

He chuckled, "I didn't expect you to come so soon, it's beyond my expectation."

Shi Jiu rolled his eyes in his heart, but he didn't find that woman when he scanned around, "Where's that woman Shen Yun?"

"The woodshed in the backyard."

She chuckled, that woman was unlucky to meet her.

"Wu Lianqing, I can agree to your request, but on that day I must see Shen Zhenglin's reputation ruined and let the truth surface."

Mu Xie said happily in her heart: "No problem, it's a trivial matter."

It's not accidental that Shi Jiu checks so readily to agree.

She continued: "You also know that Shen Zhenglin will take this opportunity to kill you that day."

Mu Xie came out from the curtain, his eyes fell on Shi Jiu, "Are you reminding me?"

Shi Jiu looked at his face and shook her head, she shrugged, "I can't let Shen Zhenglin get it, can I?"

Mu Xie chuckled, "It's true."

She thought for a while and raised her eyes to look at him, "Then, you can let him go."

Shen Zhenglin is still outside waiting for her news.

"Yinfeng, bring people up."


Not long after, Shen Yun was brought up.

She was all in black, and her messy appearance made Shi Jiu laugh.

Did she go digging coal?

She pretended to be worried and greeted her, "Sister, fortunately, you are fine, I am so worried about my sister."

After Shen Yun saw who the person in front of her was, she held Shi Jiu's hand excitedly, and said hastily: "Sister, are you here to save me? Hurry up, let him let me go, I don't want to stay here I want to leave here immediately, you take me away quickly."

It's horrible here!

She almost died here!

Shi Jiu comforted her, "Sister, don't be afraid, I'm here to rescue you."

Shen Yun was so happy that he almost cried, "Really? Great sister! Let's go!"

She doesn't want to be here for a moment.

Shi Jiu nodded and led her out of here.

Looking at her figure, Mu Xie slowly pursed her lips.

I really look forward to that day.


Get out of the Valley of Souls.

Shen Yun saw Shen Zhenglin who was not far away and ran over aggrieved, "Father! Father!"

She threw herself into his arms, "I thought I'd never see you again."

Shen Zhenglin patted her on the back distressedly, "Okay, okay, dad is relieved to see that you're okay."

Shen Yun raised his head in confusion, "By the way, dad, why did that big devil agree to let me go?"

"It's all due to Zhilu. She promised to marry Wu Lianqing, so he let you go."

(End of this chapter)

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