The villain boss is my family

Chapter 778 The boss is scoring fine every day

Chapter 778 The boss is scoring fine every day (17)

Lu Nian'an returned to the car and remained silent for a while before driving away.

Back at Lu's house, Mother Lu looked at him, "How's it going? Have you seen Su Ran?"

He hummed and walked upstairs.

Mother Lu looked at the disappearing figure with a strange expression on her face, "Is this brat driven out by Su Ran?"

She paused, "Isn't it? He didn't come back last night?"

Thinking about the boy's appearance just now, she snickered.

The two of them must be embarrassed to tell her something.


Mother Lu's birthday is ready?
At this time, Mother Lu called Shijiu.

"Hey, Su Ran, it's my birthday the day after tomorrow, can you come back and have dinner with me that day?"

On the other end, Shi Jiu nodded and replied: "Understood, I will be there on time that day."

"Okay, okay, you have to spend a while with mom that day, mom hasn't seen you for a long time."

Shi Jiu nodded, "Okay, I will."

After hanging up the phone, she raised her eyebrows.

It was Aunt Lu's birthday, she couldn't go back empty-handed that day.

After deciding to buy presents, she changed into light clothes and left the house.


When she came to a shopping mall, she breathed a sigh of relief and walked into a jewelry store.

Several salespeople saw that she was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, and a pair of white shoes on the soles of her feet.

Another poor ghost who only looks but doesn't buy.

Several people pushed and shoved, but no one was willing to go up to receive him.

"Would you like to go?"

"I'm not going, I'm going to you."

"I don't want to go either. It looks like a working girl with no money."

Shi Jiu's hearing ability is very good, and he listened to all the conversations between them.

She paused and looked down at her clothes.

Working girl?
She just thought the skirt was too troublesome, so she changed into a more convenient one when she went out.

I didn't expect this to be looked down upon by others.

A bunch of dogs look down on people for something low.

At this time, they are still evading.

A long-haired salesperson next to him looked at his newly-made nails and said nonchalantly: "That kind of stuff can be disposed of casually, and the newcomer can go, she is the most suitable."

This kind of guest is not worth her trouble to please.

The guests she pleases are all rich and wealthy.

She is not worthy of that woman.

The rest of the people nodded at once: "Sister Jin is right, let the newcomer go."

The woman named Sister Jin is Li Yunjin, the No.1 salesperson here, with strong business ability, everyone here is very flattering to her, even the store manager is also impressed by her.

A short-haired salesperson went to the person who was huddled in the corner, "Wen Ya, go and entertain that customer. It's time to test your business level."

The salesperson named Wenya looked terrified, "I'm afraid I can't... I'm not very good at socializing, I screwed up and lost this order."

The short-haired salesperson blurted out: "She..." can't afford it.

She explained: "It's okay, you can take this time as an experience, and try harder next time if you don't succeed this time."

Wen Ya nodded, "Okay, I see.

Contempt flashed in the eyes of the short-haired salesperson, and she smiled, "Then this customer will trouble you."

Wen Ya hummed, hesitated for a moment, and then walked up.

Shi Jiu spent a long time choosing, and she took a fancy to two necklaces and a pair of earrings.

This matches Aunt Lu's temperament very well, and it must look good when worn.

She decided to take this pair of green earrings, but she couldn't make up her mind about the necklace.

A few salesmen who were watching the show said, "Sister Jin, look at that woman who has no money and has been watching for so long, otherwise I would have thought she was going to buy it."

Li Yunjin sneered: "At most it's just pretending. I know this kind of person best. She just left because she couldn't let go of her face. In fact, she really thought about how to get out completely."

After she finished speaking, several salesmen laughed.

Shi Jiu raised his eyes and glanced over there with a cold face.

If she could do it, she would have already gone up.

These people are just addicted to their mouths.

She continued to hang her head in confusion.

At this time, the salesperson Wenya came to her, and she said nervously, "This beautiful lady, you... hello, may I ask... is there anything I can help you with?"

Shi Jiu raised her head and found that the other party was a girl in her early 20s, but she looked quite nervous.

She raised her eyebrows, "New here?"

Wen Ya nodded heavily, "Yeah."

She took a look, and in the corner inside, it seemed that this little girl was pushed out to receive her, a poor ghost.

This little girl has little social experience and doesn't understand anything.

Forget it, she will give you a hand today.

She reached out and pointed to the two necklaces on the counter, "Both necklaces are very beautiful, but I don't know which one to choose."

Wen Ya looked at her fingers, recalling what the store manager had said to her, and found that it was the most expensive necklace in the store.

"Miss... are you giving it away?"

Shi Jiu nodded, "Yes, it's for me...Grandma's."

She paused as she spoke.

Wen Ya nodded, she smiled and pointed to the necklace on the left, "This necklace is most suitable for giving to elders, it is simple and elegant without being rude, emerald is the color that elders like..."

She pointed to the necklace on the right, "The store manager said that this necklace is the treasure of the store, whether it is a gift for a couple or a partner, it is the first choice as a gift...but this is a formal set..."

Several people watching the play not far away are still waiting for the final result.

Li Yunjin sneered: "He is really the one who dares to ask, and the one who dares to speak."

Someone laughed: "The one named Wen Ya will come back later with a disappointed face."

At this time, Shi Jiu listened to her various introductions, and had already decided which necklace to choose.

She caught a glimpse of a chic men's brooch on the counter next to her.

"Can you show me this brooch?"

Wen Ya nodded and took out the brooch with her gloved hand.

When Shi Jiu looked at the brooch in front of him, a tall and straight figure suddenly appeared in his mind, and he consciously put it on Mu Xie's face.

She winked, it would look good on him if he wore it.

She looked at the little girl in front of her, "Pack this up too."

"And that necklace and this earring just now."

She paused, then pointed to the set of jewelry in the town store, "This one is also packed."

Wenya's eyes widened instantly.

Is what she said true?
The first order in her life was a success!

Very good!
Shi Jiu chuckled and kindly reminded her, "Why are you in a daze? It's time to pay the bill."

She nodded gratefully, "Ah! I'll pack it for you right away, please wait a moment, I'll be right back."

The few people watching the play exploded instantly.

"Oh my god! It's actually a deal!"

"Damn it! It's so cheap for that newcomer! I should have known that I would go!"

Li Yunjin's angry face was very ugly.

 Change to a romance novel,???? This Wenya can also be the female number one, right?
(End of this chapter)

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