The villain boss is my family

Chapter 782 The boss is scoring fine every day

Chapter 782 The boss is scoring fine every day (21)

Lu's mother walked into Shijiu's room, "Su Ran, don't be angry, what that brat said just now is what Mom told him to say..."

Shi Jiu looked at her calmly, "I know."

"Su Ran, then you are..."

"So I just want him to know that I am also a person with a temper. The easier I get, the less I cherish."

Mother Lu pursed her lips, "Su Ran, I beg you, go back with Mom, you are pregnant now, you can't be here alone..."

Shi Jiu said slowly: "Mom, don't forget that he and I are already divorced, and this child has nothing to do with him."

Mother Lu became anxious immediately, "It doesn't matter what it is, he is the father of the child!"

Realizing that she was too excited, she gradually calmed down, "Su Ran... Mom hopes you can think about it carefully. After all, this matter... the child is innocent."

She sighed, "Mom, I'll think about you going back first."

Mother Lu nodded and walked out from inside.

Seeing that the people on the sofa were not in the same place, she walked over and confessed the drug use that day: "Boy, you slept together that day, and it was Mom who drugged you. Don't blame Su Ran, blame Mom if you want to." , Mom really hopes that you can reconcile."

She paused, "This time Su Ran is pregnant, just tell me, do you want this child or not!"

Lu Nian'an frowned, obviously thinking about Lu's mother's words.

There seemed to be a voice in his heart that kept asking him to agree.

He was silent for a long time, raised his head and said slowly: "Yes."

Mother Lu's tense nerves instantly eased, and she asked uncertainly, "What... do you mean?"

Lu Nian'an raised his head and said seriously: "I want both her and the child."

"Brat, you..."

Lu's mother was a little suspicious that the secondary personality had come out, otherwise why would she agree so simply.

Lu Nian'an looked at her, "Mom, I'm going to try to accept Su Ran, please give me some time."

Mother Lu froze for a moment, she nodded, "OK."

He stood up and walked into Shi Jiu's room.

Seeing him coming in, Shi Jiu frowned slightly, "Why did you come in?"

Doesn't he hate her very much?

Lu Nian'an pursed his lips slightly, and it took a long time before he spoke: "Su Ran, I..."

He raised his head, "Please give me another chance."


How did you suddenly change your attitude so quickly?

Is it because of the child?
She raised her eyebrows, "If you are really for the children, then I don't need your sympathy."

Lu Nian'an was silent, struggling in his heart for a long time, and finally said: "Su Ran, I don't hate you."

Shi Jiu chuckled and looked up at him, "Are you sure?"

Before, he was desperate to let him go, wouldn't it be too funny now?

Lu Nian'an looked a little embarrassed and didn't know how to explain it.

He really didn't like her existence before, but now he suddenly found that he seemed to care more and more about this woman.

For example, when he found out that she was pregnant, he was actually very happy in his heart.

Another example is that I haven't seen her for a few days, but unexpectedly remembered this woman for no reason. At first, I thought I was crazy, but I didn't want to think that I had already fallen into it, and he didn't even notice it.

He nodded.

Shi Jiu looked at him and said slowly: "But I don't want to give you this chance, what should I do?"

Lu Nian'an's face froze, "Then what do you want me to do?"

"Well... until I am satisfied."

Shi Jiu smiled at him, "Is it possible?"

Lu Nian'an's face was dark, this woman was taking revenge for what he had done before.

She pointed to the door, "If not, you can leave at any time where the door is."

Lu Nian'an's face darkened, "I promise you."

Shi Jiu looked at him and nodded, "Very good, you can go now."

Lu Nian'an: "..."

"We got divorced."

As a last resort, Lu Nian'an left here.

The road waiting outside didn't see him coming out, so he hurried forward and asked, "What's the matter, did Su Ran agree?"

Lu Nianan responded softly.

"Great, let's go, help Su Ran pack up and leave here together."

"She won't leave with us."

Mother Lu froze for a moment, "Why?"

Lu Nian'an told her about the conversation between them just now.

"It's all done by you brat! I tell you, don't call me mom until you bring Su Ran back!"

Mother Lu left angrily.

Lu Nian'an stood there with a dark face, and then left.

Shi Jiu raised his eyebrows when he heard the door closing outside.

Does this count as her winning?


When Lu Nian'an went back, he called Qin Rang.

She told him what happened just now, but the other party told him that he fell in love with Su Ran.

He frowned: "I really like Su Ran?"

"Otherwise? Your secondary personality is so obvious."

Then he hung up the phone directly, even this guy found out that he liked Su Ran.

He lowered his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.


The next day, early in the morning.

Lu Nian'an came to Shi Jiu's residence.

When the door opened, Shi Jiu froze for a moment.

She looked at the man in front of her with a lot of things in his hands, "You are..."

Lu Nian'an didn't speak, but walked in with the bag.

Later, when Shi Jiu saw the man filling up the refrigerator, she folded her hands, "What's the matter with you?"

"I'm going to live here."


"In what capacity?"

Lu Nian'an said calmly: "The identity of the child's father."

Finally, Lu Nian'an moved in.

Shi Jiu was a little surprised when he saw the busy figure in the kitchen, he didn't expect him to be able to cook.

Then the fact is that she thinks too much.

Suddenly there was an explosion in the kitchen.


A puff of thick smoke came out from the kitchen, who knew it would be accompanied by a pungent burnt smell.

God!her kitchen!
Shi Jiu quickly stood up and rushed over.

At this time, Lu Nian'an came out from the inside, his body and face were not as clean and tidy as they were when he went in, and they were all black.

Shi Jiu looked at her and said slowly, "Are you... all right?"

Lu Nian'an's face was very embarrassing, he coughed lightly: "The kitchen is not very good."

Shi Jiu suddenly laughed out loud, is he blaming the kitchen?

He stared blankly at the smile on her face.

She glanced at the dark kitchen inside, "Let me do the cooking."

If you ask him to make it out of the kitchen once, he has to destroy it once.

Lu Nianan nodded.

She pointed to the kitchen, "But the kitchen was blown up by you, we can only make do with instant noodles."

Lu Nian'an frowned: "Now that you are pregnant, eat less instant noodles, I'll take you out to eat."

Shi Jiu looked up at him, was he telling her that instant noodles would be unhealthy for the fetus?

Then she nodded, "Alright."

So, after Lu Nian'an blew up the kitchen, the two left for dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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