The villain boss is my family

Chapter 792 The boss is scoring fine every day

Chapter 792 The boss is scoring fine every day (31)

When Shi Jiu was taken back to Lu's house, she had a look of emotion when she came here, and she came back after going around for a while.

Mother Lu looked at the two cheerfully, "When are you going to remarry?"

According to the current level of development of the two of them, this brat should be able to pass the test, right?
Mu Xie said lightly: "Don't worry, we'll talk about remarriage later when she recovers."

Lu's mother was stunned, and then said happily: "You finally know how to love my wife!"

"Tell me what you did before, it's not too late to wake up!"

Shi Jiu glanced at Mu Xie and secretly smiled.

Lu's mother stopped joking, and looked at Shi Jiu, "Su Ran, your body is not recovering yet, hurry up and rest upstairs, later, mom will make you stew an old hen for you to nourish your body." .”

"Thank you, mom, then I'll go up first."

She nodded slightly, turned and went upstairs.

Mu Xie stared at her figure for a long time.

Standing next to him, Lu's mother smiled and said, "Boy, you must treat Su Ran well in the future. You can't lose this daughter-in-law who was finally coaxed back."

Mu Xie nodded lightly, "Got it."

Lu's mother looked at him, feeling a little weird in her heart. She always felt that this kid was a little strange, but she couldn't tell why it was so strange.

She frowned: "Stinky boy, nothing will happen to you during this time, right?"

Mu Xie looked calm, "You think too much, it's nothing."

He lifted his heels and followed upstairs.

Looking at the people who left, Mother Lu curled her lips. With the words that the daughter-in-law forgot her mother, she was right after all.


In this way, the days passed peacefully for a few months, Shi Jiu's belly was already big and it was difficult to move around, and there was still one month before the due date.

At this moment, Shi Jiu came down from upstairs.

When Mother Lu saw her walking down, she was so frightened that she hurried up to help her.

She breathed a sigh of relief, "Su Ran, why don't you tell Mom when you come down, what if something goes wrong..."

Shi Jiu couldn't help but laugh, "Mom, aren't you exaggerating? I'm careful."

"That's not okay, that's called taking precautions before they happen, understand?"

Lu's mother helped her down the stairs, "In the next month, if you have anything to do, you will either ask your mother to do it or your servant to do it, do you understand?"

Shi Jiu nodded helplessly, "I know, I know."

Now she is as precious as a national treasure.

"Come on, sit down, I'll have someone cook your favorite dishes."

Mother Lu beckoned her to sit down.

Looking at the table of dishes, she reached out and pinched the meat on her legs. She has gained weight recently, and if she ate it again, she would be as fat as a pig.

However, it looks delicious.

Unable to resist the temptation, she picked up a piece of meat with her chopsticks and ate it happily.

Seeing her eating so happily, Mother Lu smiled happily.

Since the two remarried, the little life is really exciting.

Now this brat's attitude towards Su Ran is very good.

Seeing them so happy, she was also satisfied, and she just waited for her grandson to come out.

After more than half an hour, Shi Jiu was full and burped in satisfaction. The little guy in his stomach seemed to be full as well, and stroked her stomach a few times.

She lowered her eyes, touched her stomach and smiled.

Little guy, are you full too?

Unexpectedly, the belly under the palm bulged, as if responding to her words.

Shi Jiu looked soft and showed a nice smile.


In the evening, Mu Xie came back after finishing her work.

He went upstairs immediately.

Seeing the person reading on the sofa, he walked over with a smile on his face.

Seeing him coming, Shi Jiu put down the parenting book in his hand and prepared to stand up.

Mu Xie came over and held her shoulder, "It's inconvenient to move, so don't get up."

After speaking, he sat beside her and put his arms around her.

"Xiao Jiu, how do you feel today?"

She shook her head, "No."

The man's palm reached towards her stomach, and the energy in his hand was continuously transmitted into it.

Shi Jiu looked up at him and slightly pursed his lips.

In the past few months, he has been using his cultivation as the energy absorbed by the fetus in his body, so as to ensure that she will not be eroded by the fetus.

"Mu Xie, if you do this every day, will your body be overwhelmed?"

One must know that the formation of a spiritual fetus requires a large amount of energy. Will this affect his cultivation?
Mu Xie's hand rested on her belly for a while, then withdrew it, "It's okay, it's more than enough to feed this kid."

Shi Jiu leaned on him, "Mu Xie, our family of three will be very happy by then."

Thinking of the arrival of that day, I couldn't help but be happy on my face.

Mu Xie hugged her tightly, "That day will come soon."

His eyes were pensive, not knowing what he was thinking.


Seeing that it was getting late, Shi Jiu was told by Mu Xie to go to bed early on the grounds that pregnant women should go to bed early.

After the person successfully fell asleep, Mu Xie cast a sleep technique on Shi Jiu so that she would not wake up for a short time.

He sat on the sofa with a blank expression on his face, exuding a icy cold breath all over his body.

At this time outside the house, there were many black shadows passing by, and various auras came from all directions.

Feeling these auras getting closer, Huo Qilin said: "Devil Monarch, it seems that they can't wait any longer."

The closer they got to the birth of the little master, the more eager they were to move.

The people who come here keep changing and changing every time.

In the final analysis, the little master is too tempting.

However, what comes has never returned.

What they didn't know was that the demon lord's soul fragments had been collected, and the demon lord's primordial spirit and cultivation had been completely fused back together.

Once this body's life is over, the Demon Lord can withdraw at any time.

Hei Ying rushed in, and was taken aback when he saw Mu Xie on the sofa, but quickly smiled.

"Demon Monarch, don't come unharmed."

Mu Xie raised his head and looked at the phantom, "Indeed."

The black shadow suddenly opened his eyes wide in horror, " can see me!"

He wanted to escape, "No... the listen to my explanation..."

Mu Xie sneered, "You dare to pay attention to my children."

He stretched out his hand to absorb the black shadow on his hand and pinched it, instantly turning it into nothing.

The forces of all parties who didn't know about it also rushed in, but it was too late, and before they had time to escape, they were all reduced to ashes.

When everything returned to calm, Mu Xie suppressed the cold breath in his eyes.

"Daddy, you are amazing!"

A sudden voice stunned him for a moment.

He raised his eyebrows, "Brat, so you can talk?"

"of course."

Mu Xie's face softened a lot when he heard the little guy's airy tone.

He opened his mouth to remind: "Stinky boy, stay in your mother's belly well, don't mess with your mother, come out when it's time to come out, otherwise..."

The little guy's voice became weaker: "Understood, Daddy, I promise I won't let mother get tired."

After speaking, the room became quiet.

Mu Xie's eyes fell on Shi Jiu's body, and she curled her lips slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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