The villain boss is my family

Chapter 796 The boss is scoring fine every day

Chapter 796 The boss is scoring fine every day (35)

Shi Linglong's face turned red, and a feeling of suffocation surrounded her.

She kept struggling, "Let go...let go..."

Mu Xie pinched her neck expressionlessly, slowly tightened his hands, and just when the other party was about to suffocate to death, he hit her with a force.

Shi Linglong fell to the ground in an instant, stretched out her hand to touch her neck and coughed non-stop.

Mu Xie looked over coldly and found that it was Yun Mobai.

He narrowed his eyes dangerously, showing no emotion at all, "You want to save this woman?"

Yun Mobai looked at him, and said slowly: "You know her identity, she cannot die."

Mu Xie snorted coldly, "So what? No matter who it is, as long as Xiao Jiu is hurt, she deserves to die!"

"She did this wrong. I will punish her when I go back. If you..."

Before Yun Mobai could finish speaking, he saw the other party attacking.

Shi Linglong was so frightened that she stood up and ran away.



With a scream, she fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Then came another beam.


Shi Linglong, who was still in shock, was kicked out again.

Seeing that scene, Yun Mobai stopped Mu Xie in an instant, with a sullen face, "Stop."

If this continues, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble.

By the time……

Mu Xie didn't think too much about it, she just wanted to take revenge and kill that woman.

He attacked Yun Mobai.

The two fought against each other for a long time.

Taking advantage of the fight between the two, Shi Linglong became vicious again, and rushed towards Shi Jiu who was on the bed.

The little guy who hadn't responded for a long time seemed to wake up.

Seeing Shi Linglong rushing over again, he said childishly: "Bad woman, you deserve to die for hurting mother!"

Afterwards, Shi Jiu formed a protective barrier with his whole body.


Shi Linglong was sent flying.

The little guy seemed to notice that the functions of Shi Jiu's body seemed to be weakened, and he panicked.

"Mother! Mother!"

He hasn't come out yet, and he hasn't seen Mother's appearance yet. Mother must be fine.

He wants to save his mother!
The little guy did what he said, and as a spiritual fetus, he continuously sent spiritual energy into Shijiu's body.

Seeing this scene, Huo Qilin called Mu Xie who was not far away: "The devil, the devil..."

When Mu Xie heard this, she quickly stopped, and immediately returned to Shi Jiu's side, only to find that the person on the bed was surrounded by white light, floating in mid-air.

I wanted to go there and found that I was hit back by a barrier.

Not long after, Shi Jiu felt the pain in his body disappear, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Is she all right?
Thinking of the woman's behavior before, she quickly reached out and touched her stomach, "Baby...are you still there?"

The little guy asked: "Mother, the baby is here! Does mother feel better?"

She froze for a moment, "The baby saved me?"

The little guy was happy: "Hee hee, isn't the baby amazing?"

"Just now... what happened?"

"When the bad woman hurt my mother just now, the baby was imprisoned, and then the baby felt strange and possessed a very powerful ability, and then it became like this..."

Shi Jiu couldn't laugh or cry when he heard his vague explanation, "As long as the baby is fine, mother can rest assured."

It's luck that the little guy is okay.

She fell back on the bed and sat up slowly.

Mu Xie hurried over and looked left and right for a long time.

"Xiao Jiu, are you alright?"

Shi Jiu shook his head, reached out and touched his stomach, "I'm fine, it seems like he saved me just now."

After making sure she was really okay, Mu Xie breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes fell on her stomach, "Thank you, brat."

The little guy snorted twice arrogantly: "Father, you are welcome, it is right to protect mother."

His tone paused, "However, Daddy is too useless to let Mother get hurt."

Mu Xie choked, he was right.

He didn't protect Xiao Jiu well, he almost...

It was he who was careless.

"Daddy, I promise there will be no next time."

"That's the best."

Shi Jiu smiled, he was able to talk with the little guy so calmly.

Usually they disagree with each other, but it seems that this incident has brought the relationship between father and son one step closer.

Yun Mobai looked at the warm scene with his head down, wondering what he was thinking.

After he sighed, he quickly took the unconscious Shi Linglong away from here.

Mu Xie was about to go after him, but Shi Jiu stopped him, "Don't go."

He looked at her and nodded, "Listen to you."

Suddenly, Huo Qilin screamed, "Mojun, let me out quickly, I'm about to suffocate to death inside."

Shi Jiu looked up at its embarrassed appearance and smiled, "It deserves it."


After things calmed down, the lives of the two returned to their usual appearance.

The due date of delivery has passed, and Shijiu's stomach hasn't moved yet.

Mu Xie felt sorry for the pain that her beloved woman had to endure, and stared at her stomach with a stinky face: "Stinky boy, the due date is here, and the house inside should be vacated. Tell me, can you get out?"

The little guy rolled his eyes and said to him: "Daddy, how many times have I said this, isn't it up to me to decide?"

A big man keeps asking him such a question, is he really annoying?
"Besides, mother is not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry!"

While eating fruit, Shijiu laughed out loud when he heard the conversation between their father and son.

She stuffed an apple into Mu Xie's mouth, "You, just let nature take its course, this matter is urgent... um..."

Shi Jiu suddenly felt that something was wrong, and his stomach hurt.

"Well... Mu... Mu Xie... I..."

A hot current flowed from between the legs.

Mu Xie stared blankly at her, "Xiao Jiu, you are..."

She struggled to pull out a smile: "I... seem to be giving birth!"

Mu Xie hurriedly picked her up and sent her to the hospital in a hurry.

Mother Lu who came out of the bathroom froze for a moment when she saw that scene, and then came to her senses.

She quickly chased after her, "Boy, is Su Ran about to give birth!"

Seeing that the head didn't turn back, she hurriedly shouted, "Wait for me!"



Mu Xie stood at the door of the delivery room and waited anxiously
With a dark face, he said, "Why is it taking so long!"

It's been in for such a long time, and it hasn't come out yet.

Seeing his lack of common sense, Lu's mother explained to him: "Do you think giving birth is so easy? A woman giving birth is like entering the gate of hell. If she is not careful, her life will be in danger."

"Some people are fast, some people are slow. Do you want to understand the matter of this woman giving birth?"

Mu Xie glanced at the delivery room and pursed her lips in silence.

He really doesn't understand the matter of giving birth to a child.

After a while, the door of the delivery room opened, and a nurse came out.

"Congratulations, you are a young master, mother and child are safe."

(End of this chapter)

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