Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 104 You, you, you, don't move!

Chapter 104 You, you, you, don't move!
He hardly thought about it, so he directly lifted his foot and followed, feeling uncomfortable all over his body.

This little Mo is getting worse and worse, she's getting too bold!

bang bang bang-

Ye Muan knocked on the door unceremoniously: "Mo Xiaoxi, open the door for me!"

Inside the door, the moment he heard Ye Muan's knock on the door, Mo Xi couldn't help but tremble in his heart, he was frightened, Ye Muan now... seems to be in a bad mood!
Knocking on the door so hard, will he hit someone?

Mo Xi's eyes widened, a little scared, probably not?

Will he?
Mo Xi fell into her own world, completely forgot about Ye Muan, and actively ignored him.

Ye Muan's face turned dark outside the door, she forced him to do so!

After a while.

Click, the door opens——

Mo Xi who was inside the door stared at him defensively: "You you you..."

He even used the backup key again!
"Ah, I have no privacy anymore! I want to move out!" Mo Xi was furious, but she was still very guilty in her heart. She even thought about diverting his attention so that he would not think about other things.

Ye Muan snorted twice, with him here, where does she want to go?

Even if she wants to go out, he will follow her wherever she goes!

Because she is his wife!

Wherever my wife goes, it's home, so he will naturally follow.

Ye Muan didn't speak, but stared straight at her, and approached her step by step.

Mo Xi's heart was beating wildly when he watched him, he was so nervous that he panicked: "You, you, you, don't move!"

However, to him, this was equivalent to not hearing it.

Mo Xi: "..."

She looked at Ye Muan who was approaching, wanting to cry without tears.

Aggrieved, he hummed twice in dissatisfaction: "How can you use the backup key..."

Ye Muan couldn't help sighing when he came to her, and raised his hand to rub her head, while Mo Xi thought he was going to hit her, so he closed his eyes in fright.

Seeing her appearance, Ye Muan frowned fiercely: "Mo Xiaoxi, what is your expression?"

She thought he would hit her?
It's too late for him to hurt her, okay?

Hearing this, Mo Xi's eyes secretly opened a slit: "Well, aren't you going to hit me?"

Hearing her words, Ye Muan suddenly laughed: "Who said I'm going to beat you?"

Mo Xi: "..."

She blinked her confused eyes, didn't he hit her?

Seeing that he didn't intend to hit her, Mo Xi sighed heavily, feeling relieved.

Seeing her like this, Ye Muan felt that he was a bad person.

He couldn't help shaking his head, bent down suddenly, and hugged Mo Xi who hadn't noticed his movements.

Mo Xi's eyes widened. She was afraid that she would fall, so she quickly raised her arms and put her arms around his neck. Her heart was still beating fiercely, and she asked in fear, "What are you doing?"

Ye Muan glanced at her, but didn't speak.

Mo Xi: "..."

He doesn't speak, which will make her think that she is talking to herself!
She stared at him and couldn't help frowning. Just as she was about to say something, Ye Muan had already placed her on the edge of the bed to sit, and then quietly stared at her feet in a daze.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Mo Xi couldn't help but follow her gaze and look at her. Why was he staring at her feet?
A big man stares at a woman's feet...

Mo Xi withdrew his feet in embarrassment, trying to hide them.

Ye Muan looked up at her deeply for a moment, then said 'good night' and left.

Mo Xi: "..."

When she woke up the next day, Mo Xi was shocked when she saw that scene!
 ps: Well, announced the cutie who got An Muxi: [At first]

  Announce this one first, and see the rest~
  Little cutie remember to add me to receive the award: 1151120772
  [Reminder: Those who like pet articles can read it, a large wave of dog food is approaching, don’t want it if you don’t want it, absolutely pet articles, don’t like sweet plots, and those who like abuse, you can click delete bookshelf. 】

(End of this chapter)

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