Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 108 Wife, I'm Hurt!

Chapter 108 Wife, I'm Hurt!

Hearing what he said, Mo Xi coughed lightly, as if it was the same, and it shouldn't be serious.

She glanced again: "Then...won't you go to the hospital?"

"Don't go."

Ye Muan proudly raised his chin, joking, if he went to the hospital, his reputation would be ruined.

Absolutely ruined, absolutely not to go.

Mo Xi shrugged: "Okay."

After she finished speaking, she got ready to get up, only then did she realize that she was still lying on top of him...

At this moment, Mo Xi suddenly felt full of embarrassment...

Ye Muan naturally noticed the changes in her face, and with a smile in his eyes, he just looked at her like this, without feeling embarrassed at all, as if this was what it should be.

Mo Xi: "..."

She took a deep breath, and just as she was about to stand up as if nothing had happened, Ye Muan said leisurely: "You just... got up?"

Hearing this, Mo Xi raised his eyebrows: "Otherwise?"

"You hit me, and you didn't give me any medicine, did you give me some benefits?"

When Ye Muan said this, his eyes kept falling on Mo Xi's lips, it's best to give him a kiss, um, hug...


it is also fine!
Ye Muan's eyes lit up instantly.

Mo Xi: "..."

Why does she always feel that there is something wrong with Ye Muan's eyes?
Without thinking too much, Mo Xi directly stretched out his hand, and pressed Ye Muan's head hard: "You, I gave you medicine, who told you to pull me? I'm about to get up, can't you see?" Arrived? Hold me and fall to you, blame me?"

Ye Mu'an murmured in his heart: Of course I can see it, that's why I pulled it.

I originally wanted to have a passionate kiss, but who knew...

She bumped directly into his jaw.

mistakes mistakes...

What a mistake!

Seeing that he didn't speak, Mo Xi couldn't help frowning: "Did you hear what I said?"


Ye Muan looked at her innocently, but in fact, he heard it, but he didn't want her to get up so quickly and continue lying on her stomach like this...

He doesn't mind, it doesn't matter how long you lie down.

The smile on the corner of Ye Muan's mouth made Mo Xi helpless.

This guy, inexplicably laughing, became a fool weighing more than 200 pounds, and she couldn't help it.

"Wife, daughter-in-law..."

Suddenly, Ye Mu'an looked at her eagerly, and Mo Xi couldn't help trembling a little with that look, and looked at him defensively: "What are you doing?"

She didn't even notice that she had subconsciously admitted that she was his wife, daughter-in-law...

If it was at the beginning, she was still not used to it.

It is conceivable that habit is such a terrible thing.

Ye Muan curled his lips into a smile, and the next second, he said seriously, "Daughter-in-law, I'm hurt!"

Mo Xi: "..."

She blinked her eyes twice, then suddenly smiled, her eyes seemed to say: Do you think I believe it?
Ye Muan couldn't help touching his nose with his hand. He glanced at the two people, and suddenly felt that a carpet is also a good choice. It can be like now, and two people can lie on it, or...

In short, you can do many, many things.

Seeing that Mo Xi got up, Ye Muan didn't continue to pester her anymore, but he was still playing tricks and let Mo Xi pull her up.

Then, taking the opportunity, pretending to be exhausted, he pressed her on the big bed behind her...

(End of this chapter)

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