Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 110 I'm in a fit of anger, I won't touch you!

Chapter 110 I'm in a fit of anger, I won't touch you!

Mo Xi was lying on the bed, panting heavily. At this moment, Ye Muan finally let go of her. The two of them lay on the bed, deeply feeling each other's existence.

If eyes could kill, Mo Xi thought, Ye Muan might have been killed by her.

She snorted softly, it was too much, she almost died.

Died from being out of breath from kissing.

This way of dying is simply too embarrassing.

The more Mo Xi thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became, and the more she thought about it, the more sad she felt. She lifted Ye Muan up and said angrily, "Ah, it's all you!"

Ye Muan: "..."

He looked at a crazy little fool amusedly: "What? What do you want to do?"

He sat here well and didn't provoke her, why did he kick him?

Hearing his rhetorical question, Mo Xi's eyes widened in surprise, she sat up abruptly, and pointed to her nose: ""

She faltered, unable to speak, Ye Muan just looked at her with a smile, not in a hurry, but Mo Xi was a little anxious just looking at her like this.

She oopsed, and simply stopped talking.

Turning his back to Ye Muan, Mo Xi forced himself to calm down, and what he told him was just some nonsense, because he couldn't listen to it.

Ye Muan came over and put his arms around her waist: "Okay, it's my fault, huh?"

"It's not your fault, or mine? Ye Muan, I was almost out of breath and died, do you know that?" Mo Xi snorted and took his big palm away.

I'm angry, don't touch him!

Ye Muan raised his eyebrows: "Who told you to say I'm bad? I'm just demonstrating it to you."

His leisurely words made Mo Xi stunned for a moment, and then he said, "Oh, it's all my fault for feelings?"

She thought that if he dared to say that it was her fault, then she would immediately go over and beat him to death without saying a word!
How could Ye Muan say that, his wife was angry, so he could see it, he leaned over with a playful smile, his face was gone: "Okay, okay, my fault, it's all my fault, huh?"

Thousands of mistakes are all my own faults, and my wife is absolutely not wrong.

This is the purpose of Ye Muan, and also the purpose of the Ye family.

Mo Xi glanced at him lightly: "You look very reluctant."

Ye Muan smiled, and unexpectedly leaned over to kiss her: "I was wrong, it was all my fault, my wife was not wrong, it was all my husband's fault, um..."

Mo Xi: "..."

She struggled unbearably, she was afraid that she would be crushed to death, paralyzed to death.


Since today is the weekend, Ye Muan didn't go to work in the company, and stayed at home with his wife, to be a good man 24 hours a day, no, he was peeling oranges for his wife on the sofa.

Mo Xi ignored him, and casually ordered takeaway with her mobile phone. It was time for lunch, and she was a little hungry.

Ye Muan originally wanted to cook it by himself, but she had already ordered takeaway, so he didn't do it himself. For her sake, he had already started a class, mainly learning how to cook.

The doorbell rang, and Mo Xi happily wanted to open the door, but Ye Muan held him down: "Hey, you sit here, I'll go."

Looking at the back of him getting up and walking towards the door, Mo Xi couldn't help feeling a little dazed. It seemed that she really...

Married to a good man.

Ye Muan was really kind to her, no matter how big or small, if she didn't need to do it, he would do it for her.

It's the kind that will never let her suffer the slightest bit of grievance...

 ps: I made up yesterday's, a total of six updates.

  Alas... Remember to vote, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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