Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 112 She's Like a Lazy Kitten

Chapter 112 She's Like a Lazy Kitten

Looking at a strange man, oh no, no stranger, to Mo Xi, no stranger, that is his fiancé!
Before Ye Muan became her husband, she had a fiancé!
Ye Muan pursed his lips, looking very sad.

However, the two of them didn't seem to have noticed him at all.

He was silent for a moment, then closed the door and walked over.

Everyone came in--

However, for him, a stranger suddenly appeared in his and Mo Xiaoxi's nest, which made him very uncomfortable, even a bit heartwarming. He wanted to drive him out, but he was afraid of losing Because of Mo Xiaoxi's face, he simply kept silent.

His wife's face is very important.

He can't lose his wife.

Ye Muan walked over, sat next to Mo Xi, and looked at Shen Sanming as the hostess. After all, he was also a former fiancé, so he couldn't lose to Shen Sanming in terms of momentum.

Mo Xi walked over to pour Shen Sanming a cup of tea, and then sat down under Ye Muan. Ye Muan naturally reached out and put his arms around her waist: "Thank you."

"Not tired." Mo Xi smiled, how could she be so expensive?
Hearing his words, Ye Muan didn't speak, and smiled at the person in his arms, and then Ye Muan's eyes fell on Shen Sanming opposite, this guy, lucky, even let his wife pour tea for him!
He didn't even get this treatment!
A certain person felt more and more annoyed the more he thought about it, and his whole body was sour.

His expression and attitude are all expressive.

He is jealous!

However, a certain heartless little woman was having a good conversation with her ex-fiancé, and even forgot the existence of his genuine card!

Shen Sanming looked tentatively at the two people: "This is?"

Hearing this, Mo Xi paused for a moment, then turned to look at Ye Muan. In Ye Muan's eyes, that deep look was like she wouldn't tell others about the relationship between the two of them.

He couldn't help but tighten his hand on her waist, appearing a little nervous.

Then, Mo Xi smiled at him, turned to Shen Sanming and said, "This is my husband, I told you, I'm married."

Although Shen Sanming on the opposite side knew it, when this scene was proved in front of him, he still couldn't believe it.

Mo Xi is actually married...

When he came, he even thought, it’s not true, when the man opened the door, he thought even more, it’s not like this, but now face to face, she introduced it personally, and the possessiveness shown by that man, it’s all true. It shows that all of this is true.

Shen Sanming's eyes suddenly darkened. He hoped that all this was not true. He had just had a crush on a woman, but suddenly found that she was married...

Ye Mu'an, who was hugging Mo Xi, heard Mo Xi call him her husband, and the vinegar smell that just emanated disappeared in an instant. He is so happy now, he is about to go to heaven!

His wife is awesome!

Ye Mu'an looked at Mo Xi's eyes, he was so pampered, he really wanted to push her on the sofa and kiss her hard!
But no, not now...

Ye Muan looked at Shen Sanming opposite with dissatisfied eyes, this light bulb!

It's so bright!

The eyes of the two men met, and naturally they had a secret contest.

The careless Mo Xi naturally didn't notice it. She drank the tea and suddenly found that the tea tasted very fragrant.

She couldn't help squinting her eyes, feeling the fragrance.

In Ye Muan's arms, she was like a lazy kitten.

 ps: Good afternoon, let me tell you in secret, Shen Sanming is not really what he saw in Chapter 1!
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(End of this chapter)

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