Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 124 Not only occupied her bed, but also secretly kissed her!

Chapter 124 Not only occupied her bed, but also secretly kissed her!
Although the process was very sad, she also fell asleep without knowing it...

Early in the morning, Mo Xi woke up in a daze. She always felt itchy on her face, as if something was biting her. She thought it was a mosquito, and slapped it, but heard a loud One sound.

This sound made Mo Xi's heart tremble, and she opened her eyes subconsciously, touching Ye Muan's enlarged face, her breathing stopped for a moment.

She seemed to be frightened, Ye Muan couldn't help being a little funny, he didn't bother her, yet she was frightened——

When Mo Xi came to her senses, Ye Muan was still leaning against her, she yelled, and pushed him away violently.

Ye Muan: "..."

"I've been hugging and sleeping all night, and you just push me away now? Huh?"

Hearing his words, Mo Xi was stunned: "..."

She usually sleeps very hard. Now that she heard what he said, she slowly reacted. She couldn't help curling her lips: "I'll just push you away! Who told you to scare me?"

He usually sleeps alone, but early in the morning, he suddenly saw his enlarged face. Although it is true that he is very handsome, it is still scary to come suddenly.

Hearing this, Ye Muan raised his eyebrows and didn't speak, who made him feel wronged?
It's better for him not to speak.

Seeing that he wasn't getting close, Mo Xi snorted softly and yawned loudly. Just when he was about to get out of bed, he paused, no, shouldn't she continue to sleep?

Waking up so early really doesn't suit her.

She lay down, Ye Muan couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw her like this: "I just woke you up, and you fell asleep again?"

God knows how difficult it is to wake up Mo Xi from his sleep.

Mo Xi: "..."

She looked at Ye Muan for a moment, then suddenly pointed at him in disbelief: "So you were the one who bit me just now!"

She thought it was a mosquito!
Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a living person like Ye Muan!
Hearing this, Ye Muan curled his lips into a smile: "You finally know?"

Mo Xi's eyes flashed, and he touched his lips subconsciously, he...

Ye Muan suddenly approached, and the bed under her moved twice: "Well, that's right, I bit it, with my mouth..."

Hearing the inappropriate words for children, Mo Xi's confused face instantly turned red, and she glared at Ye Mu'an in shame and indignation: "You!"

Not only occupied her bed, but also secretly kissed her!
"You are too much! You even secretly kissed me!"

"I'm not a secret kiss."

"Bah, what is a secret kiss?" Mo Xi thought he didn't admit it, so he hummed twice.

Who would have thought that Ye Muan would actually say this: "Well, I am an aboveboard relative."

Mo Xi: "..."

She looked at Ye Muan in front of her, and shouted: "Shameless!"

"Why do you need a face? I still have to wash it. I only need a wife..." Ye Muan looked at her deeply. When he just woke up, she was the only one in his eyes at the moment. She was the first one I saw this morning. .

Mo Xi: "..."

She looked at Ye Muan, almost speechless by him.

Ye Muan suddenly approached: "By the way, wife, when can I eat meat?"

Mo Xi was helpless when he asked about such a serious matter in a serious manner early in the morning.

She naturally understood what he meant.

He actually asked this kind of question directly!
Seeing Mo Xi under his gaze, Ye Muan's face turned redder and redder, and he found it more and more interesting, so he just kept staring at her...

(End of this chapter)

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