Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 127 I Dare to Admit I'm Shameless, What About You?Do you dare to admit it?Ok?

Chapter 127 I Dare to Admit I'm Shameless, What About You?Do you dare to admit it?Ok?

"When doing things, can you use your brain more? As long as you say it, you will be found out, don't have a good relationship, don't you? "

A smile flashed across Mo Xi's eyes. Mo Xiaoran was not afraid of being discovered by her when she said those things to Shen Sanming. Such things... more or less, will be discovered sooner or later.

"Aren't you looking for your brother An? Then go in."

Mo Xi's light words came over, which shocked Mo Xiaoran, looked at her defensively, and suddenly smiled: "You let me in and I will go in? Then how shameless I am?"

Hearing this, Mo Xi sneered, "I thought you knew you had no face."

After all, if the gossip was pointed out, she would be ashamed.

Mo Xiaoran was thin-skinned, she couldn't hear this, her cheeks were blushing when Mo Xi said: "You!"

"Me? What about me? I let you in. If you don't go in, you can't blame me. I'm a virtuous wife. If there are guests, I want to invite them in. "

Hearing this, Mo Xiaoran's face suddenly darkened, and she said she was shameless, but she saw that Mo Xi was the one who was shameless!
"Moxi, I think you are shameless, right? Brother An, who I don't know how to hook up with, let him be devoted to you, but don't worry, sooner or later, I will expose your true colors and let Brother An take you Abandoned severely! Fall from heaven to hell!"

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings became quiet. Mo Xi looked at the person in front of him expressionlessly. Even Mo Xiaoran thought that Mo Xi was angry. She was proud of him, but Mo Xi suddenly laughed. , the voice frightened her and unconsciously took two steps back.

Those who have a deep friendship with Mo Xi will find it amusing to hear her laughter at the moment, and laugh along with her, but Mo Xiaoran looks quite frightened by her...

Mo Xi licked her lips, looked at her with burning eyes, a smile filled her face, even her eyes were full of smiles: "Mo Xiaoran..."

Mo Xiaoran trembled unconsciously when her name was called out from Mo Xi's face at this moment, but she still pretended to be calm, looked at Mo Xi, and raised her chin slightly.

"Mo Xiaoran, you are really right. I am shameless. Why do I have to wash it? Oh, yes, I dare to admit that I am shameless. What about you? Do you dare to admit it? Hmm ?”

Unexpectedly, what Ye Muan said not long ago happened to be useful to her at this moment. Mo Xi raised the corners of her mouth, smiled all over her face, and stared straight at Mo Xiaoran, her smiling face actually gave her a sense of fear.

Mo Xiaoran couldn't help swallowing her saliva. In her heart, Mo Xi was actually very bad, like a femme fatale, she usually didn't want to get close, but she hooked up with her brother An, and she had to near!
She wants to save Brother An from Mo Xi's hands!

"It's fine if you admit that you are shameless, why should I admit it?" Mo Xiaoran rolled her eyes, she was stupid to admit that she was shameless?

Mo Xi didn't have much expression on her face either, she let out an oh, her gaze fell lightly on Mo Xiaoran's face, and she pursed her lips and said, "So, you still need face..."

Mo Xiaoran: "..."

She frowned slightly, and was wondering why she said that, when she heard Mo Xi's extremely serious words ringing in her ears, which shocked her heart...

 ps: Thank you for your votes and rewards, this is my motivation!Well, have a good weekend~

  It's a holiday, come and leave a message, I miss you so much!

(End of this chapter)

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