Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 130 You Are My Baby, My Baby

Chapter 130 You Are My Baby, My Baby
A person who misses her husband all the time is a person who will be angry. Mo Xi thinks that she has a bad temper, so she will definitely be angry!
Squatting down in front of Mo Xiaoran, Mo Xi squinted his eyes: "I tell you, Mo Xiaoran, don't make trouble for me. I hate your nonsense the most. Facts are facts. If you are caught again next time I found that you were talking nonsense to others, and I will definitely not let you go."

After being threatened by Mo Xi, Mo Xiaoran clenched his hands into fists and looked straight at her. The two of them just looked at each other. Just when Mo Xi was about to speak, Mo Xiaoran spoke.

"Mo Xi, you and Brother An won't last long, I advise you to break up quickly!"

Hearing this, Mo Xi suddenly laughed, she looked at Mo Xiaoran as if she was watching a joke, just kidding, she said it won't last long, will it not last?

Sorry, she has a problem, that is, she likes to do things that others don't like!

She said oh casually, which made Mo Xiaoran stunned for a moment. She said something like that, but Mo Xi actually said oh? ?
"Okay, don't worry, I will definitely be with Ye Muan for a long time, well, it's okay, you can go home, after all, your brother An is not at home, I don't welcome you, so I won't invite you in for a drink Tea."

Mo Xi was not polite at all, Mo Xiaoran blushed when she said that, but she still couldn't speak up to Mo Xi!

Finally, Mo Xiaoran stamped her feet aggrieved and left.

Seeing her leave, Mo Xi clicked his tongue twice: "They're all women, why are you talking?"

Naturally, she didn't notice that someone nearby saw this scene...

When Ye Mu'an came back from get off work, Mo Xi was sitting on the sofa eating fruit salad, looking in a good mood, seeing her like this, raised his eyebrows.

"Did you behave well today?"

The corner of Mo Xi's mouth twitched twice, and he rolled his eyes at him: "I'm not a child."

Why are you talking to her in that childish tone?
She will feel like a child.

"In my eyes, you are just a child."

As soon as he said this, when Mo Xi was about to get angry when he put it on the fruit plate, Ye Mu'an said again: "You are just a child, because you are my baby, my baby."

In a word, Mo Xi was stunned for a while, and then, his face turned red uncontrollably.

She coughed twice, and continued to pick up the fruit plate and eat to hide her unease.

Ye Muan, who had been paying attention to Mo Xi, couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, his eyes were full of smiles and deep affection.

He walked over and hugged him in his arms: "Are you good, huh?"

Mo Xi snorted: "Of course I'm good!"

How could she not be good!

Ye Muan nodded understandingly: "Are you still fighting with others?"

"When did I fight with someone?" Mo Xi looked at him excitedly. How could she fight with someone? ?
The two of them looked at each other for a few seconds, and finally, Ye Muan sighed softly, raised his hand and rubbed her head: "The neighbor nearby told me."

Mo Xi: "..."

She's really screwed me up!
No wonder he asked her if she was good...

She probably knew that she and Mo Xiaoran were at the door, but that's not important, what's important is... There are only a few neighbors nearby, and there are even informers? ?

It's just too uncute!
Mo Xi frowned, puffed her cheeks, Ye Muan saw her inadvertent cuteness, couldn't help but moved, and leaned over to plant a kiss on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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