Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 135 It's Good to Have a Foodie Girlfriend

Chapter 135 It's Good to Have a Foodie Girlfriend

Ye Muan looked at her lightly: "Otherwise, what do you think?"


"You are my wife, and I am your husband, but you call me hello, do you think it's appropriate?" Ye Muan looked at the person in his arms, and his tone sounded very displeased.

Mo Xi: "..."

She just opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Ye Muan again: "Also, you didn't realize that you did something wrong."

Suddenly, Mo Xi was furious: "You, you, you!! Hello is just a title, and you might call it normally, so I just say hello what's wrong? Hey hey hey!! What's wrong!"

Ye Muan: "..."

Seeing a little girl who was more serious than him, Ye Muan couldn't help coughing a few times, hey, it pissed her off.

Fearing that she might get angry, Ye Muan took her hand and walked away without saying a word, saying as he walked, "Let's go, go eat some delicious food."

"I won't go! Why..."

"There are your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs, pot-wrapped pork, and big chicken drumsticks..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Muan was dragged by Mo Xi into a trot...

Ye Muan was behind her, and couldn't help but smile with his lips curled up: "Do you know where to go?"

Mo Xi, who was enthusiastic, was taken aback when she heard this, and then realized, yes, she didn't know where she was going...

After she realized it, she walked despondently behind Ye Muan, staring at him eagerly, when it came to food, she almost forgot everything...

Ye Muan likes her the most, and is most grateful for her.

It's nice to have a foodie girlfriend.

It's great to coax him when he's angry and have a happy meal.

When the two of them came to the gate of Golden Age, Mo Xi couldn't help drooling!
It felt like she could smell something delicious.

Let her involuntarily want to walk in!

No loss is a high-end hotel plus restaurant!

Moxi couldn't wait to drag Ye Muan in, Ye Mu was very helpless: "Don't worry..."

She snorted twice, but didn't speak anymore, just joking, how could she not be in a hurry.

When he arrived at the box, Mo Xi stretched out his hand and opened the door of the box, but when he saw the scene inside, a pair of willow-leaf eyebrows were raised first, very naughty.

In the box, Mu Xunfeng and Mu Xunli were very close. She could tell that Mu Xunli couldn't bear it and took a bite of something. Mu Xunfeng was helping to clean it up...

It was a very common thing, but from Mo Xi's point of view, it was extremely ambiguous.

The door was already opened, and she was too embarrassed not to go in. Mo Xi coughed lightly, trying to attract the attention of the two of them.

In fact, when Moxi opened the door, Mu Xunli heard the voice. She originally wanted to turn her head to look at it reflexively, but she didn't want Mu Xunfeng to press her head and stop her from moving, saying that it hadn't been done yet. .

After he dried her off, Mu Xunli immediately turned around. The moment she saw Mo Xi, she let out an 'ah' and ran over excitedly.

The two girls had a big hug!

Behind him, Ye Muan frowned slightly, glanced lightly at Mu Xunfeng who was on the sofa, and hummed softly.

Mu Xunfeng: "..."

He couldn't help smiling, well, he has offended this big Buddha again.

He looked at Mu Xunli who was hugging Mo Xi, his eyes softened.

Mo Xi patted Mu Xunli's paw: "Okay, okay, you're going to strangle me to death..."

Hearing this, Mu Xunli quickly let go of her hand, sticking out her tongue embarrassingly.

 ps: I don’t know if you like this kind of flat but warm clip, anyway, I like it, hahahahaha, An Muxi and his wife are very lonely, I need you to leave a lot of comments, and remember to vote~
(End of this chapter)

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