Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 154 I Just Want to Kiss You, You Sleep With You, Huh?

Chapter 154 I Just Want to Kiss You, You Sleep With You, Huh?

"Um, so, do you want to go back to your room?"

"Yes, yes." Mo Xi nodded wildly.

He was silent for a moment, nodded and said, "OK."

Hearing this, Mo Xi was so excited!
"But..." The word "but" instantly made her nervous.

Mo Xi looked at his face nervously. At this moment, she only had him in her eyes. This made Ye Muan very satisfied. He looked at the person in his arms and said softly: "However, then It's impossible."


After saying this, the two of them looked at each other without saying a word, especially Mo Xi, who was stunned and confused. He said, that's impossible...

Are you sure he wasn't joking?

You are so angry, but you still have to keep smiling!

Mo Xi took a deep breath, stretched out her small hand, and pointed at Ye Muan tremblingly. She was not afraid, but rather, she was really angry: "Do you dare to say what you just said again? Huh?"

She looked straight at him, if he dared to say it again, she would kill him!
Ye Muan naturally noticed the fire in her eyes, he hooked his lips, a smile flashed in his eyes, hooked his feet, and pulled the quilt to cover the two of them.

Once the quilt is covered, nothing can be seen——

Mo Xi yelled and struggled.

Ye Muan hugged her tightly, not allowing her to move, just hugging her like this: "Sleep."

Want to go back to her room?

Just kidding, it's all here, how could it be possible to let her go back like this?
Absolutely, impossible!

Mo Xi wants to cry but has no tears, she can't break free at all, why should she soften her heart!

Early in the morning, Mo Xi was woken up by suffocating, not holding his urine, but... holding his breath...

Ye Muan woke up early in the morning and saw the person in his arms, so he couldn't hold back, leaned forward and kissed him. Mo Xi was sleeping soundly, feeling like he couldn't breathe. When he opened it, what he saw was Ye Muan!

It was only then that she realized that this was Ye Muan's room. He was quite honest when he covered her with a quilt last night. He didn't take advantage of anything other than touching her waist and hugging her, but now...

Is it really good to kiss her early in the morning?

Mo Xi stretched out his hand vigorously and pushed him away: "Ye Muan!"

Still let people sleep well?

Ye Muan knew that Mo Xi was a little annoyed to get up, and seeing her like this, he leaned over and kissed her on the face: "Baby, I just want to kiss you, you sleep with you, huh?"

Hearing this, Mo Xi's face turned even darker. He kissed her here, and she continued to sleep?

Sorry, she can't sleep at all!

She pushed him away and sat on the bed feeling aggrieved.

Ye Muan: "..."

Seeing her sulking while sitting there alone, Ye Muan couldn't help but touch his nose, well, something is causing trouble, but, early in the morning, seeing the woman he likes in his arms, he is not Liu Xiahui, naturally It's a little uncontrollable. Besides, he just kissed and didn't do anything else...

Of course, if he did something else, I'm afraid Mo Xi would not only be angry, but would fight him desperately, right?
Ye Muan didn't dare to fight her hard, he couldn't bear it.

He leaned over and rubbed against her like a huh: "Okay, it's my fault, can you hit me? But it will hurt if you hit my hand, my face is too hard, it will hurt Your hand, so, it’s better not to hit, okay?”

Mo Xi: "..."

Can his narcissism be corrected? !
However, it was a bit cute, and the corners of Mo Xi's mouth couldn't help curling up.

(End of this chapter)

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