Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 159 Isn't it a competition?How do I feel, you are beating yourself to death?

Chapter 159 Isn't it a competition?How do I feel, you are beating yourself to death?

Mo Xi pursed her lips, stiff and motionless, she looked at Ye Muan's face, and gradually became dumbfounded, to be honest, some people say that a man who is willing to move his hands for the sake of a woman must be cherished, because, He treats you with sincerity.

People who are not willing to treat you with both hands have no feelings at all.

There are very few people who treat themselves sincerely. When you meet them, you must cherish them. Don’t wait until you lose them to regret them. At that time, regrets will never come.

Cherish the moment and don't leave regrets.

Mo Xi's eyes moved slightly, she looked at Ye Muan, then turned her head to look at Mo Sheng, in fact, she is very happy, without the Mo family, she can still live very well!
She has Mo Sheng and Ye Muan, that's enough.

Ye Muan looked up and saw Mo Xi smiling foolishly, he couldn't help frowning, turned his head to look at Mo Sheng, Mo Sheng met his gaze, and shook his head reflexively, he didn't know anything...

The two looked at Mo Xi and giggled alone, and didn't intend to speak.

It wasn't until Mo Xi came back to his senses that he realized it, coughed twice in embarrassment, and looked away.

"Is it heavy, is it okay?"

Ye Muan asked while pinching, the voice, the eyes, were so soft that Mo Sheng couldn't help but get goosebumps.

He really shouldn't have come, the young couple is fine!
He's here, but he's here to be abused...

Mo Sheng was so wronged, but he didn't say anything!
"Well, it's okay..." Mo Xi was a little embarrassed. In fact, his strength was moderate, more comfortable than Mo Sheng's pinch. She almost thought Ye Muan was a professional.

She was almost indulging in his clutches——

"Well, tell me if it's heavy, I'll take it easy..."

Ye Muan's deep voice came into Mo Xi's ears, making her heart soften and numb all over. This kind of Ye Muan was simply charming and captivated her soul.

His words were fine at the beginning, but after careful recollection, it makes people feel a little shy...

The more Mo Xi thought about it, the more crooked she became, her whole face gradually turned red, and then became hot... She lowered her head as much as possible so that they would not see it, otherwise, she would have no face to face others.

But Mo Sheng looked surprised: "Sister, do you have a fever?"

Mo Xi: "..."

She raised her foot and kicked him: "You're just getting mad!"

Mo Sheng: "..."

He had a look of grievance, he said he had a fever...

Ye Mu'an glanced at him lightly, Mo Sheng didn't know why, but always felt that Brother Ye's look seemed to be smiling, he deserved it...

Mo Sheng pursed his lips, smashing his mouth, feeling very unhappy, well, he should leave!
However, it wasn't that he could leave if he wanted to, it was almost because he said he wanted to leave, Liu was stopped by Ye Muan: "Don't leave, I have something to do with you."

As soon as these words came out, Mo Sheng and Mo Xi looked at each other with surprise on their faces.

Mo Xi raised his eyebrows, what did Ye Muan ask Mo Xiaosheng for?
She looked at Mo Sheng, who also looked puzzled, it seemed that he didn't know either.


In the training room, Mo Sheng was beaten badly. Once again, he fell to the ground, gasped, sweat was dripping on his back, he looked at Ye Muan who was only panting slightly, and expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Brother, isn't it a competition? How do I feel, you are beating yourself to death? Hiss... Whoops..."

He touched the corner of his mouth, damn it, I knew I wouldn't be here!

He should have left just now!
(End of this chapter)

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