Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 166 He gave me a big scare

Chapter 166 He gave me a big scare
"If I tell you, then I can leave?"


Mo Xi confirmed again, but this time, Ye Muan was very quiet and did not respond. His appearance made Mo Xi understand that he was just talking...

"I just asked you to tell me, I didn't can leave..." Ye Muan looked at her like an old fox, and Mo Xi was very surprised when he heard it. end.

Ye Muan raised his eyebrows: "You won't leave."

His affirmative words stunned Mo Xi, and then she looked at him in disbelief: "Why do you say that?"

Hearing this, Ye Muan leaned closer to her, and there was only a few centimeters between them: "Because, I won't let go of your hand, and if I don't let go, you won't leave, you know?"

When Mo Xi heard his words, he looked at him for a while, pursed his lips and did not speak.

Ye Muan hugged her tightly, without any sign of letting go.

Mo Xi took a deep breath, and suddenly said, "What if I'm your sister? Brother and sister love, won't you let me go?"

Her sudden words made Ye Muan stunned for a moment, then he smiled noncommittally, his eyes fell directly on her: "There is no such possibility."

Catching his gaze, Dai Xueer's eyes trembled, and then she quickly looked away. What he said was so serious, as if if she was really his sister, he wouldn't let her go...

Ye Muan directly reached out and turned her face around: "Listen, no matter who you are, no matter what difficulties stand in front of us, I will never let go of your hand, Mo Xiaoxi, you said you would try to accept me , but now, I feel that you have been avoiding me..."

It's not that he didn't feel it. Mo Xi was fine some time ago, but at this moment, he felt that Mo Xi was avoiding him...

Mo Xi's hands beside his legs clenched into fists quietly: "I didn't avoid you."

"Then why, as soon as I came back, you were in a daze? Then why, you said you wanted to leave me? Then why..."

He said a series of reasons, which surprised even himself, he had so many reasons.

Mo Xi turned to look at him, and closed her eyes fiercely. When she opened them again, her eyes were clear, and she said to Ye Muan, "Mo Shengtian said, I'm not his daughter."

Hearing this, Ye Muan's eyes flashed with surprise: "He actually told you directly?"


Noticing that Mo Xi's expression was not very good, Ye Muan's heart also sank. Could it be that Mo Shengtian said something about him and Mo Xi?
Otherwise, why would she have such an ugly face?
And, what else to say...

Ye Muan's eyelids twitched violently, he looked at Mo Xi, and suddenly pursed his lips, could it be what he imagined?
Seeing that he didn't have much reaction, Mo Xi frowned, and said puzzledly: "Mo Shengtian told me what I knew, and I didn't have much reaction, but later, he gave me a big shock ..."

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, glanced at Ye Muan, and continued: "He said... that I am your biological sister..."

What Mo Shengtian said was so true, it is undeniable that Mo Xi believed it a little...

When Ye Muan heard these words, he looked at Mo Xi with complicated eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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