Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 170 Good Wife, I Reward You With A Kiss

Chapter 170 Good wife, reward you with a kiss
Under Ye Muan's 'strong request', Mo Xi finally couldn't bear it anymore, and raised her hand to hug him gently, and it was her hug that immediately attracted Ye Muan's laughter.

"Good wife, I reward you with a kiss..."

Mo Xi's eyes widened. Just as she raised her head to speak, he gagged her. This action of hers just made it easier for him...

She was annoyed for a while, but she had nothing to do with him.

Ye Muan was very satisfied and kissed her all over, inside and out, not even letting go of her ears...

Just after tidying up and going to take a shower, Mo Xi didn't want to talk anymore, but Ye Muan was still outside the door: "Honey, do you want me to help you?"

The corners of Mo Xi's mouth twitched fiercely, and he dropped a word: "Get lost!"

Ye Muan rubbed his head and left bored.

There was no sound outside, so Mo Xi sighed softly. Sometimes Ye Muan acted like a child, which really gave her a headache. She didn't know how to get along with him.

However, she likes his sincere feelings.

Ye Muan...

She had a feeling that she would fall in love with him...

No, I already think he is pretty good now.

"Husband..." Mo Xi muttered these two words, a smile appeared in her eyes, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and she cheerfully picked up the bath ball to scrub her body.

Mo Shengtian's truth didn't cause anything between Mo Xi and Ye Muan. He probably didn't expect that Mo Xi would tell Ye Muan directly. He thought that Mo Xi would hide it in his heart alone, but he didn't. Thinking of it, Mo Xi was a person who couldn't hide.

She doesn't like misunderstandings, and she usually asks them face to face and makes it clear.

Mo Xi and Ye Mu'an still lead a very normal life, going to work, leaving work, teasing and teasing each other, although life is plain, it reveals a trace of warmth, and they like ordinary days very much.

Don't ask for grandeur, just plain.

Mo Xi likes nestling on the sofa the most. Today, when she was watching the TV, she couldn't help but click twice: "He's quite handsome..."

Watching Ye Muan on TV, Mo Xi found that the more she watched him, the more she liked him, and the more she watched him, the more he felt handsome, successful in his career, and a diamond king!

Mo Xi suddenly felt that he had made money!

Take Ye Muan away.

click -

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Mo Xi subconsciously turned his head and looked over. Seeing Ye Muan, he couldn't help but smile: "Yeah, the CEO is back?"

Ye Muan curled his lips when he heard that, "Yes, my little wife."

Hearing this, Mo Xi secretly smiled, she is not a little wife, she is a little wife, a little wild cat!

Sitting next to her, Ye Muan stretched out his hand naturally, and Mo Xi nestled in his arms naturally, she raised her head: "Are you tired?"

"Not tired."

For a better life for his wife, he doesn't feel tired, he just thinks it is a burden of happiness.

Hearing what he said, Mo Xi smiled slightly, and then continued watching TV.

Seeing that she stopped talking, Ye Muan also glanced at the TV, looking at himself, he frowned slightly, and turned Mo Xi's little face away: "What TV are you watching, I am a living person right in front of you. Don't watch? Watch TV?"

He couldn't figure it out, he was here, and he still needed to watch TV?

Hearing this, Mo Xi was slightly taken aback, and then couldn't help laughing: "You are more handsome on TV..."

She said this on purpose. Naturally, she was not as good-looking as she was in person on TV. She just said this to prevent him from being embarrassing.

Ye Muan frowned, and spoke after a while: "The TV is good, why don't you go on TV with me?"

"..." Mo Xi looked bewildered, what TV was she on?
 ps: Good night, remember to vote and leave a message, okay, get up~
(End of this chapter)

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