Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 172 She finally realized it completely

Chapter 172 She finally realized it completely
Mo Xiaoran and Mo Shengtian looked at each other, and seeing the anxiety in his daughter's eyes, Mo Shengtian was silent for a moment and spoke with obvious dissatisfaction: "Mo Xi, what are you talking about? Xiaoran is also your sister after all, And I am your father! How do you speak? Your meaning will be misunderstood, do you know??"

Mo Xi shrugged. If you misunderstand, you will misunderstand, anyway, it's fine if you don't misunderstand her.

She has nothing to misunderstand. There are some people who don't do anything wrong, why are they afraid of being misunderstood?
Mo Shengtian scolded Mo Xi unceremoniously, and seeing that she didn't respond, he was very satisfied at the moment, and then tentatively began to ask about the relationship between Mo Xi and Ye Mu'an.

"Well, Mo Xi, you and Ye Muan... how are you doing?"

Mo Xiaoran pricked up his ears and listened carefully, for fear of missing anything.

And Mo Xi looked at the two people in front of him, pulled his lips and smiled, and casually slumped on the sofa: "Oh, my husband and I are fine, we are fine, you don't have to worry."

Mo Shengtian seemed to be blocked by her words, his whole body seemed to be choking on something, and his expression was very bad.

Mo Xi looked heartless, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Mo Xi, I told you that Ye Muan is your brother!"

She didn't have much reaction, so he had to take out his trump card.

But Mo Xi raised his eyebrows and dropped a word: "Oh."

Mo Xiaoran on the side was about to die of anxiety. Seeing her calm and peaceful appearance, she couldn't help but said, "Mo Xi! Brother An is your real brother, and you still... you still marry him , you are too shameless!"

Hearing this, Mo Xi just glanced at her lightly, but didn't respond. She had nothing to say about idiot ran.

She and Ye Mu'an are not siblings, so it's good to know. Since Mo Shengtian and Mo Xiaoran care so much about their father and daughter, let them worry about it. Anyway, it's not her who is kept in the dark?
Thinking of this, Mo Xi suddenly felt better. Well, there is no way, she just has such bad thoughts.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Mo Xiaoran couldn't help but frowned and stomped her feet. She looked very angry. In her eyes, Mo Xi was a rotten piece of wood that couldn't be carved. It didn't make any sense at all.

Mo Shengtian's deep black eyes were tightly locked on Mo Xi's body, Mo Xi noticed his gaze, slightly curled his lips, and smiled at him.

Mo Shengtian: "..."

The father and daughter looked at each other. There was really nothing they could do about Mo Xi like this. In the end, Mo Shengxia gave the order.

"Moxi, although you are Ye Muan's younger sister, you were also raised by my Mo family. You divorced Ye Muan. I don't want you and Ye be together. Together, you will also dirty our Mo family!"

He waited until Mo Xi and Ye Muan got married and got together before telling Mo Xi, so that it would hurt her, make her sad, and someone would hurt too!

Hearing Mo Shengtian's words, Mo Xi's whole heart was bleeding with pain. After all, he was also the one who raised her, even if he wasn't his own, but it doesn't have to be like this?
Now, she finally realized it completely.

It is not your own, and it will never be as good as your own.

The adopted son, after all, is the adopted son, no matter how he hurts, he will not feel the slightest bit of distress.

Mo Xi suddenly closed her eyes, only feeling the throbbing pain in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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