Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 174 Ye Muan Is Mine Now

Chapter 174 Ye Muan Is Mine Now

"So, I'm your daughter, so I should divorce my current husband and let your youngest daughter marry my husband?"

"Father, don't you think it's too much?"

Mo Xi looked straight at him, with moist eyes, and told him her dissatisfaction.

However, Mo Shengtian just frowned: "What nonsense, what did father go too far? I just don't want to see you continue to make mistakes! You and Ye Muan are already wrong, you can't let it go!"

"So, what are you running away from? To put it bluntly, it's for Mo Xiaoran, why did you say that it's for me? It's all your daughter... No, I'm not my own, Mo Xiaoran is..."

Mo Xi's body was very stiff, and she felt that she would be pissed off.

This degree of eccentricity is outrageous, even if it is not his own, but he has lived together for so many years, how could he...

That's right, if people don't do it for themselves, they will be destroyed by heaven and earth.

There is nothing wrong with Mo Shengtian letting her leave Ye Muan and divorce Ye Muan for his own daughter. After all, he must want to see his daughter happy.

Mo Xi took a deep breath, who can be blamed?
Blame it, blame her for being an adopted daughter.

Blame her for fighting alone.

Unlike Mo Xiaoran, she has a father who is helping her both openly and secretly.

Hearing Mo Xi's words, Mo Shengtian frowned fiercely. Mo Xi's accusatory words made him very uncomfortable. At least he raised Mo Xi so much. He thought about it for his daughter and fought for it. Happiness, why is it wrong?

Shouldn't it?

He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him at all, and continued to persuade Mo Xi: "Mo Xi, because our Mo family has raised you for many years, can't you give Ye Muan to Xiaoran? You and Ye Muan are brothers and sisters, so it's impossible Yes, why not give it to Xiaoran."

Hearing what he said, Mo Xi raised her eyes and glanced at him. One Mo Xi and one Xiao Ran, just from the title, she lost. She lost completely, and there was nothing to say.

Moreover, Mo Shengtian actually asked her to give in from this kind of matter...

She was extremely sad, and suddenly laughed: "Give it to her? Love, can you use it? If Mo Xiaoran has the ability, and my current position? If Ye Muan likes Mo Xiaoran, then Ye Muan's wife It won't be me, a person who doesn't like her, even if I give in, what's the use? It's not Mo Xiaoran's, and it will never be hers!"

What Mo Xi said made both father and daughter of the Mo family frown, and looked at her with very unkind eyes, but Mo Xi didn't care, she just wanted to say it.

Ye Mu'an didn't belong to Mo Xiaoran, why should she let her go?

She is Ye Muan's wife in name, that is to say, Ye Muan is her, of course, she is still her own.

Why should she give up her own things to Mo Xiaoran?
Don't even think about it!

Unless she doesn't want it anymore.


For a while, the three of them just looked at each other, and no one spoke, the atmosphere was tense for a while.

Mo Xi glanced at the two of them, snorted softly, and looked very arrogant: "If you really like Ye Muan, yes, you can compete fairly with me, but you should also know that Ye Muan is mine now, my Husband, if you want to be a mistress, you can, I won't stop you."


Mo Xiaoran was in a hurry. Seeing Mo Xi's arrogant appearance, she wished she could go up and tear her apart!
 ps: Fourth watch, wow, the reinforcement leaf has three seconds to arrive on the battlefield!

  Today, the baby who joined the group answered the question Ye Liang'an, brother Ye, do you call me?Hahaha……

  Ye Mu'an: "...let's talk again and let you add more tonight!"

  Stained mark: "Bah, no one, don't add it!"

  Ye Muan looked at the readers, and seduced in a low voice: "Hey, beauties and cuties, hurry up and leave a message to vote, and let Stain let me out."

  Stain: "They're either good!"

  Ye Muan gritted his teeth, and apologized to his wife: "What!"

(End of this chapter)

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