Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 178 In My Spouse Column, Apart from Mo Xi, the Only Widow

Chapter 178 In My Spouse Column, Apart from Mo Xi, the Only Widow
There were bursts of smiles in Mo Xi's eyes, she didn't even think that today she and Ye Muan would have such a tacit understanding, it's like a husband and wife!

Whatever she said, Ye Muan followed her.

The two smiled at each other as if there was no one else around, and the indelible affection in their eyes made Mo Shengtian and Mo Xiaoran feel embarrassed for a while.

As if they were a joke, they stood by the sofa in a daze.

As if just now remembering that there were still people, Ye Muan glanced at them lightly: "Honey, are your father-in-law and younger sister here? Huh?"

Hearing this, Mo Xi followed suit and couldn't help smiling, full of sarcasm: "Yeah, they're here, they're here to let me..."

"Ahem... Well, Moxi, we won't have lunch here. Since Mu An is back, Xiaoran and I will go back first and won't bother you."

Mo Xiaoran next to him wanted to say something, but was pulled away by Mo Shengtian.

Seeing that the two of them were about to leave in a hurry, Ye Muan pursed his lips, and suddenly said, looking for trouble: "Don't rush to leave, didn't you say you want my wife to let me out? As the person involved, I want to know , what's going on."

Mo Shengtian: "..."

Mo Xiaoran: "..."

Mo Xi, who was hugged by him, heard his words and looked up at him. For some reason, he always felt that Ye Muan was very handsome at this moment. He must be helping her, right?
Don't want to see her being wronged?

A smile couldn't be restrained on her face.

And Mo Shengtian frowned fiercely, it was obvious that he was very embarrassed.

Being heard by the person concerned, this feeling is undoubtedly not a slap in the face in public.

His old face couldn't stand this kind of torment, so of course he wanted to leave here as soon as possible. Although he felt like running away, it was better than being caught and questioned.

However, he didn't expect that Ye Muan really just asked...

Ye Mu'an sat with Mo Xi in his arms, the male host's appearance instantly exploded, and the feeling of her boyfriend's strength burst out in an instant!

It gave Mo Xi a strong sense of security.

"You have come here not once or twice, and every time you come, you are concerned about our husband and wife. First, you said that Mo Xi and I are brothers and sisters, and now you let Mo Xi let me out. I think, father-in-law, You are so... is this sincere? Huh?"

His eyesight is not good, he has never been the one to be bullied, what Mo Shengtian said, he also raised Mo Xi, it is not an exaggeration for him to call him father-in-law, but this father-in-law has always wanted to break them up...

This made him very upset!
Want Mo Xi to give him to Mo Xiaoran?

Ye Muan quickly glanced at Mo Xiaoran, who is she!
Even without Mo Xi, he would never have taken a liking to Mo Xiaoran!

Mo Shengtian was so embarrassed by the words that he couldn't even laugh: "I..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Ye Muan interrupted directly: "I'll leave the conversation here today, my wife is Mo Xi, and there is only Mo Xi, the others... In my spouse column, except for Mo Xi, Then there are only widows."

In other words, he doesn't want anyone except Mo Xi, even if he is alone forever, he is willing.

His words stunned the three of them. Mo Xi looked at Ye Muan, completely speechless. Ye Muan...does he only recognize her as a wife?
Why, is she so happy?

The shock deep in my heart will not disappear for a long time...

(End of this chapter)

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