Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 183 Don't No, I'm So Tired, You Carry My Back

Chapter 183 Don't No, I'm So Tired, You Carry My Back

Yes, they are here to do business!

She had been doubting the way Aunt Karen looked at her, but she had forgotten that she and Ye Muan came here together to make sure that Ye Muan was the only one in the Ye family, and that the Ye family had no other children.

In that way, it can be confirmed that she is not the daughter of the Ye family, and she and Ye Muan are not brother and sister anymore!
Immediately, Mo Xi decided not to leave, she sat down on the edge of the bed, and the whole person became quiet. Seeing Mo Xi like this, Ye Muan felt somewhat uncomfortable.

He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why, aren't you leaving?"

"Don't go!"

She gave him an affirmative response, Ye Muan couldn't help laughing when she heard it.

Mo Xi glanced at him: "What are you laughing at? What's so funny? I'm not leaving, it's funny?"


Ye Muan looked at her deeply, um, leaving his wife in the room where he slept since childhood, this feeling is very different.

Thinking about being able to lie on it with Mo Xi at night, Ye Muan's whole body was about to boil.

His heart was hot, but his face didn't reveal the slightest bit.


Mo Xi asked Ye Muan to take her around Ye's house, and only then did she realize that Ye's house is really big, and her feet hurt from walking.

"Anzi, why is your house so big? How long will it take to get to the living room, I'm going to be exhausted."

Mo Xi looked around, she felt that she was going to get lost, if Ye Mu'an hadn't led her, she would definitely have lost her way!
Ye Muan, who was at the side, heard her complaint, gave a low laugh, and suddenly walked in front of her. Under Mo Xi's surprised gaze, he grabbed her little hand, and with a single force, Mo Xi was carried by him. .

Mo Xi exclaimed for a while, she was carried up like this? ?

Is she too light, or he is too fierce?

Just as she was thinking about it, she heard Ye Muan's voice: "Anzi is called by my mother. It's weird to hear you call me. It feels like my mother is calling me. I like it when you call me Brother Ye, or My husband, I'd rather be."

With a smile all over his face, he walked steadily with Mo Xi behind his back, afraid that she would be bored, so he joked with her.

When Mo Xi heard this, he burst out laughing: "Anzi~"

She completely forgot that she was still being carried by Ye Muan, calling him by his baby name in a nasty way.

Ye Mu'an was a little embarrassed, but Mo Xi insisted on shouting, and there was nothing he could do.

"An Zi, An Zi, An Zi..." Mo Xi seemed to be addicted, and kept calling her, calling him An Zi, which made Mo Xi feel as if he was meddling in his childhood.

It is undeniable that she likes this feeling.

not bad……

"Mo Xiaoxi, believe it or not, I'll throw you down?" Ye Muan raised his eyebrows, this guy is too embarrassing.

Hearing this, Mo Xiao hurriedly hugged him, she didn't notice the two people's cheeks touching their cheeks at all: "Don't, I'm so tired, you carry me behind your back."

After being carried by him for a while, she no longer wanted to go to the ground.

She hugged him tightly, unwilling to let go.

Ye Muan supported her tightly to ensure her safety.

He hooked his lips, and continued to walk forward with her back.

Two people, one is willing to carry, the other is giving up, walking in the sun, the shadow is projected on the ground, full of warmth, an enviable scene.

On the edge of the window on the second floor, Karen couldn't help showing a smile when he saw this scene, and took out his mobile phone.

With a click, the capture was successful, leaving a mark on the warmth of the two people at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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