Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 187 Let me tell you who is the villain

Chapter 187 Let me tell you who is the villain

After waiting for a long time, Mo Xi didn't feel anyone at the door. She couldn't help being a little surprised, why did she feel that there was no one?
After carefully feeling it for a while, Mo Xi realized that there was still no sound. She said to Ye Mu'an solemnly, "Are you sure, your mother is eavesdropping at the door?"

"Not sure." Ye Muan also looked serious.

Mo Xi: "!!!"

Not sure he still looks that serious?

She looked at a man with an innocent face, and she was about to die of anger. She took a deep breath and pushed him away: "Go away, I don't want to see you now."

She was afraid that she would lose control, so she would beat him up!

Ye Muan sat on the side, seeing her like this, smiled lightly, he likes to see Mo Xi angry, she is very beautiful when she is angry.

No matter what kind of expression she had, he thought it was beautiful.

Noticing that someone had been looking at her, Mo Xi turned her head and met Ye Muan's eyes all of a sudden, she frowned: "Why?"

"It's all right."

Mo Xi: "..."

She gave him a blank look, and sneaked over to put her ear to the door. There was no sound. When she opened the door, Mo Xi stuck her head out to have a look, but there was no one there, there seemed to be no one at all.

If she was just not sure just now, then she is sure now that Ye Muan lied to her!
How could Aunt Karen overhear?

"You scoundrel! Your mother is not as bad as you imagined. There is no one at the door."

Ye Muan raised his eyebrows, and quickly glanced at the door, is there really no one?

shouldn't be...

Is it...

As if thinking of something, Ye Muan smiled lowly, seeing him smiling, Mo Xi was very surprised, and looked at him suspiciously: "What are you laughing at?"

Hearing this, Ye Muan raised his eyebrows: "I'm laughing, I'm laughing that my mother is not a villain, but my father is."

Mo Xi: "..."

She rolled her eyes. From her point of view, the whole family is a villain. Suddenly, she realized that she is now the daughter-in-law of the Ye family. Doesn't the Ye family also have her?
Then she should mainly call Ye Muan a villain.

She nodded gently: "I see, you are the only villain in your family!"

Hearing this, Ye Muan was unhappy: "How can you say I'm a villain? How could I be a villain? Besides, Mo Xiaoxi, did anyone say that my husband is a villain? Huh?"

"Yes, am I already?"


Ye Mu'an hesitated to speak, and seemed to be quite annoyed by Mo Xi.

Where he couldn't see, Mo Xi smiled secretly, coughed twice uncontrollably, just as he turned around, he bumped into Ye Muan, which shocked her greatly.

Mo Xi patted his chest, and immediately exploded: "Ye Muan, you walk silently?"

When she stood in front of her, she didn't react at all.

Almost scared her out of her wits.

Ye Muan didn't care, and directly leaned forward, Mo Xi hurriedly backed away: "You, you... what are you doing?"

She looked at him defensively, as if he was a bad person.

Ye Muan glanced at her calmly, and couldn't stop humming twice: "Let me tell you, who is the villain."

Hearing this, Mo Xi's eyes widened in surprise, who is the villain?

Ye Muan approached her again and said something in her ear, only to see that Mo Xi's eyes widened in disbelief: "Impossible! No, no, it should be... no..."

"Would you like to come and see with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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