Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 194 Already here?

Chapter 194 Already Back?
Ye Muan didn't care about it either, seeing that she didn't respond, he went over directly, hugged her, hugged her whole body in his arms, and closed his eyes with a satisfied face.

Mo Xi: "..."

She originally wanted to push him away, but she felt that he was very obedient and didn't do anything, so she let him hold him. After a few minutes, her feet felt a little uncomfortable, so she gently pushed him away. Pushed him: "Ye Muan... hello..."

Mo Xi hurriedly grabbed him who was about to fall, this is...

Fell asleep? ?

How could she have imagined that he would just fall asleep standing with her in his arms? ?

Mo Xi can't laugh or cry, this is really...

I don't know if he did it on purpose, or if he was so relieved that he fell straight backwards. Mo Xi let out a cry of surprise, and then fell to the ground. She held his head tightly with her hands, for fear that he would knock him down. .

The two of them sat on the ground, Mo Xi was helpless, she couldn't help him up, he was too heavy.

"Ye Muan, wake up..."

She patted his face, trying to wake him up, but Ye Muan frowned, and then...then there was nothing and then...

After lifting him for a long time, Mo Xi couldn't help but want to swear, so he threw him to the ground and left him alone.

However, after taking a few steps, he couldn't help but backed away.

Looking at Ye Muan lying on the ground, she took a deep breath, why couldn't she just throw him on the ground? !

Just let him freeze to death!

Mo Xi observed for a while, then got up suddenly, went to Ye Muan's bedroom and removed a quilt. Since he couldn't wake him up or lift him up, he could sleep on the floor.

She is now glad that there are blankets on the ground.

Not afraid of freezing.

After giving him a pillow and covering him with a quilt, Mo Xi yawned, feeling a little sleepy...

Well, lunch break...

She got up and was about to go back to her room, but someone pulled her trouser legs, and Mo Xi couldn't get away. She couldn't help but look at Ye Muan, frowning slightly, she was really worried, this Ye Muan, after all Are you really drunk, or are you pretending...

After thinking about it, Mo Xi gently pulled him away and went to his bedroom.

She didn't notice, Ye Muan frowned slightly.

After a while, Mo Xi came out with his blanket. She fell asleep on the sofa, looked at Ye Muan on the ground, and slightly pursed her lips: "Whether you are really drunk or fake drunk, I don't care. .”

She hugged the quilt directly and fell asleep drowsily.


When he woke up again, it was already night, it was pitch black, Ye Muan woke up first, it was dark, and his head was dizzy, he was not well.

This Mo Xiaoxi hasn't come back yet? !

Don't know where to go home?
This bad woman abandoned him!

Ye Muan got up in a mood, turned on the light, and was about to get the keys and mobile phone, but when he turned around, he saw the person sleeping on the sofa.

He froze for a moment, she...

is back?
For some reason, my heart, which was still impatient just now, suddenly calmed down as if it had been sedated.

Ye Mu'an walked over gently, as if he was afraid of disturbing her, and tried to lighten his steps as much as possible.

Crouching in front of her, Ye Muan pursed his lips, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Looking at her sleeping face, he was full of satisfaction at the moment.

 ps: Fourth watch, good night, see you in the morning, okay, vote~
(End of this chapter)

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