Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 201 Sudden separation from him, she is really uncomfortable

Chapter 201 Sudden separation from him, she is really uncomfortable
Mo Xi yelled, turned around and ran away.

Behind him, seeing her like this, Ye Muan felt that she was too cute. His family, Mo Xiaoxi, grew up eating cuteness, so he couldn't help but chuckled twice.

I kept repeating the words Mo Xiaoxi silently in my heart.

Her name has always stayed in his heart...

Mo Xi ran back to her room, she was in a bad mood, she felt that Ye Muan had just molested her!

Just don't overdo it!

He even thought about his arms like that, as if saying, come on, come on and throw yourself into my arms!
Mo Xi threw herself on the bed and buried herself. She sighed softly, but the corners of her mouth curled up uncontrollably.

Stretching out her hand to touch the corner of her mouth, Mo Xi's eyes flashed, they were full of smiles, even she didn't notice it.

That night, Mo Xi even waited for a long time, but did not wait for Ye Muan. She suspected that he had changed his sex.

After all, Ye Muan often wants to sleep with her, but now...

As if reacting to something, Mo Xi's eyes widened. My God, what happened just now?
She actually thought that Ye Muan hadn't come yet? ? ?


She got into the bed shyly, she couldn't imagine it.


Mo Xi was shy, and fell asleep like a girl.

During the time she was with Ye Muan, she felt like she was in love...

As the sky was getting brighter, Mo Xi heard voices from the living room. She quickly got up and got out of bed to look. Due to the insomnia last night, Mo Xi was in a state of being unable to sleep at the moment...

Seeing the people in the living room, Mo Xi was very surprised: "It's only past five o'clock, why did you get up so early?"

Ye Muan laughed when he heard her words: "It's fifty past five, and it's almost six o'clock."

Mo Xi sticks out his tongue, not paying attention, it's pretty much the same anyway.

She looked at him, waiting for his answer to her question.

Ye Muan turned his head, met her gaze, smiled softly, walked over and rubbed her little head: "Good boy, you go back to sleep, I'm going on a business trip, and I'll be back in about a week."

"What? A week???"

Mo Xi unconsciously turned up the volume, she never expected that Ye Muan would suddenly go on a business trip, and it would take as long as a week.

She was really uncomfortable to be separated from him suddenly.

How should I put it, it's just... the feeling of not wanting him to leave.

Ye Muan raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't expect Mo Xi to have such a big reaction: "Well, a week."

Mo Xi got his affirmation. After looking at him for a moment, she obviously had something to say, but when the words came to her lips, she didn't know what to say...

Mo Xi's brows were frowned, and Ye Muan's hesitant expression fell into Ye Muan's eyes. He stopped packing his things, and looked at her suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Hearing this, Mo Xi froze for a moment, then quickly shook his head, expressing that he was fine.

Seeing her like this, Ye Muan raised his eyebrows, and just as he was about to speak, Mo Xi faltered: "Well, have a good trip."

As he spoke, he turned around directly, without dragging his feet at all.

Seeing her turn around and leave, Ye Muan felt very uncomfortable. How can I say that I want to give him a farewell kiss?

He just left like that.

He kept looking at her back, expecting her to give him a look back, but no, Mo Xi went straight back to his room...

 ps: Happy weekend, okay, remember to vote~
(End of this chapter)

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