Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 208 Hugging someone from behind, tightly

Chapter 208 Hugging someone from behind, tightly
Mo Sheng left in a hurry. Looking at his leaving back, Mo Xi sighed deeply. This brat doesn't know how to accompany his sister. It's really...

So uncute.

She puffed her cheeks, her face was full of displeasure, she turned her head and glanced at the villa, she didn't rush in, but squatted directly at the door, throwing stones...

one, two, three...

"Well, dead Ye Muan, stinky Ye Muan, they haven't come back yet! When will they come back..."

She muttered subconsciously, afraid that she didn't even realize it, she didn't intend to go in when she got home, but squatted at the door waiting for Ye Muan.

However, she knew that she was waiting now, but she couldn't wait for Ye Muan. After dawdling at the door for a while, Mo Xi sighed softly, got up and opened the door of the villa.

It was pitch black, and Mo Xi entered the room in the dark. When the light was turned on, the glaring light shone on her face. Mo Xi squinted her eyes slightly. After she got used to the brightness, she realized that there was a person sitting on the sofa. people!

As for the shock, Mo Xi still had a strong sense of surprise: "Ye Muan!"

He actually came back?

She walked over uncontrollably, and sat down next to him: "Ye Muan, why didn't you tell me when you came back? Also, what are you doing sitting on the sofa when you don't turn on the lights at night? Ah, you...hey...what are you doing?"

Before she could finish her sentence, Ye Muan pulled her over, immediately put her hand between the two of them, and looked at him defensively.

Ye Muan looked deeply at her defensive look, and didn't speak, but Mo Xi only realized at this moment that Ye Muan's lips were closed, and he looked a little unhappy.

She was just about to ask what's wrong, when she heard Ye Muan chuckle: "Why, you know Shen Sanming so well, you're fully on guard when you come to me? Mo Xiaoxi, I'm your man, and I deserve your precautions against me." ? Then I really have face!"

He said this quietly, without taking his eyes off her for a moment.

Mo Xi choked, she looked at Ye Muan, and now she realized that Mo Xiaosheng didn't want to come in just now, is this the reason? ?
I'm afraid she will hit him, aren't you? ?

Ye Muan didn't tell her when he came back, and sat on the sofa at night without turning on the lights. She thought what was going on, so...

Is it because of this, so Mo Sheng informed? ?
She hesitated for a while, and then slowly opened her mouth: "Well... don't get me wrong, Shen Sanming and I are just friends, just chatting casually..."

"Really? To chat while I'm away?"

Ye Muan couldn't control the anger in his chest, so he just yelled at her word by word, and Mo Xi frowned fiercely when he heard his words, she didn't like Ye Muan's appearance.

It felt like she was catching rape, obviously she didn't do anything.

Mo Xi took a deep breath, and looked up at him: "Ye Muan, you came back early, let's not quarrel because of this, okay? Don't make trouble..."

"So, in your eyes, am I making trouble?"

Ye Muan suddenly laughed, he glanced at her, then stood up suddenly, his actions made Mo Xi stunned, what...what?
Seeing that he was about to go out, Mo Xi almost didn't even think about it. He got up and followed him, hugging him tightly from behind without leaving a single gap.

Ye Muan's eyes flashed, and he stood straight on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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