Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 224 Can't You Hug Me?

Chapter 224 Can't You Hug Me?

She looked at Ye Muan and hesitated to speak, her eyes seemed to say, "Are you serious?"

Ye Muan raised his eyebrows: "Why, you don't believe I'm not feeling well?"

He couldn't help being surprised, could it be that she really had to give him diarrhea for her to believe it?


Just when Mo Xi was about to speak, she saw Ye Muan covering her stomach. Although she didn't speak, she could feel that she was uncomfortable...

Mo Xi: "..."

No way, was she really hit by her crow's mouth? ?

"That? What's the matter?" She quickly stepped forward to support him, afraid that he would really eat up his stomach.

"Well, it's okay...but I'm glad you didn't eat much of today's food." Ye Muan said, his eyes glanced at her faintly, these words made her heart tremble even more.

What he meant by this, isn't it...

Something wrong with her cooking?

Sure enough, I still can't eat it...

"I told you not to let you eat it! You..."

She was just about to give him a verbal education, when she saw Ye Muan frowning and covering his stomach with his big palms, she was speechless immediately, and hurriedly helped him into the room.

"how is everything……"

After pouring him a glass of water, Mo Xi looked at him nervously.

Ye Muan secretly curled his lips where she couldn't see, and then watched her shake his head gently: "It's okay, it's just a little cold."

Mo Xi was dumbfounded, why are you still cold?
She looked at him and quickly pushed him to the side of the bed, and covered him with a quilt: "Quick, it won't be cold when you put on the quilt."

Ye Muan: "..."

Can't you give me a hug?

Ye Muan, who was expecting Mo Xi to hug him, was very helpless, she even brought a quilt over directly...

Wrapped tightly in the quilt by her, Ye Muan was going to sweat soon...


"Hot... Let it be hot first, and it will stop after a while." Mo Xi said casually, is it better than being exposed to the cold wind all of a sudden?

He was afraid of the cold just now, so he can't come out now.

Ye Muan: "..."

He was very helpless, this guy, is he pretending to be stupid?

Ye Muan lay on the bed without moving or speaking...

There was no movement for a long time, but Mo Xi was frightened. He looked at Ye Muan, a little confused: "Ye Muan?"

Why is there no sound?


She swallowed uncontrollably, her heart beating faster.

"Ye Muan, are you okay? Don't scare me..."

She hastily possessed herself and approached his chest to listen...

A certain person managed to show a smile, and then reached out to hug him into his arms, Mo Xi: "..."

Knowing that he was duped, Mo Xi was very upset: "Ye Muan! You lied to me!"

"I didn't lie to you, look at me, how weak I am."

Mo Xi: "..."

She looked at his whole face, and didn't see any weakness, but he was very handsome...

Realizing what he was thinking, Mo Xi coughed lightly, his eyes flickering: "You just wait for me!"

After leaving a word, Mo Xi went straight to the bathroom.

Seeing the back of her leaving, Ye Muan didn't think too much, he just thought she needed to go to the bathroom, but then, when he saw Mo Xi coming out with a basin of water, he was completely dumbfounded.

Mo Xi wrung out the towel and approached him, Ye Muan couldn't stop asking, "What are you doing?"

"Wipe your face."

She responded very seriously, as if this was a very common thing.

Ye Muan hesitated to speak, but Mo Xi had already covered his face with a towel, and said while wiping, "What about you, you are not feeling well? A word is hard to follow! What you say is done.”

(End of this chapter)

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