Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 226 It Will Not Be Your Lifetime Event Anyway

Chapter 226 It Will Not Be Your Lifetime Event Anyway
Hearing this, Mo Sheng let out a chuckle, and his playful eyes fell on Ye Muan.

Ye Muan looked as calm as water, but he hummed softly in his heart, joking, if they knew that he hadn't dealt with Mo Xiaoxi, wouldn't he be ashamed to death?
Of course he wanted to talk about it for the better.

Mo Sheng sat down to drink tea by himself, and after a while, Mo Xi came out. Seeing Mo Sheng, she was surprised: "Why did you come so early?"

After what happened with the experimental product yesterday, she thought that Mo Sheng would not come to her place for a long time, but she didn't expect that he came here early this morning, which was beyond her expectation.

As soon as she walked over to sit down, Ye Muan handed her a cup of hot milk.

"I don't want to drink..."

Mo Xi is acting like a baby to Ye Muan, she doesn't like hot drinks very much, she likes cold drinks.

"Hey, it's good to drink."


"Sister, just drink it, breast enhancement!"

When Mo Sheng said a word, Mo Xi gave him a face in an instant.

Her boobs are not big enough?

Still need breast enlargement?
But think about it, men probably like big breasts, she groaned twice, then took it, raised her head and drank it.

Ye Muan took the quilt, and glanced at Mo Sheng: "I like everything about your sister."

Looking at the back of him turning away, Mo Sheng rubbed his arms vigorously: "Oh my mother, goose bumps are coming out."

Seeing his funny appearance, Mo Xi coughed lightly to hide his smile: "Well... you came early in the morning, what's the matter?"

"Well, that's it... Sister, Dad asked me to call you back, saying that I have something to tell you." Mo Sheng was not very willing either, her sister is so good at Brother Ye's place, she will not be happy when she goes back, go back do what?
Hearing this, Mo Xi's eyes flickered, and he spoke casually, not caring at all.

"Oh, this, I think, I don't need to go back, you tell him that I am living a good life now, just ask him to take care of Mo Xiaoran and the others, and leave me alone."

Seeing Mo Xi like this, Mo Sheng hesitated to speak, and Mo Xi looked up at him: "Why?"

Is there anything else that hasn't been said?

Mo Sheng looked up, but did not see Ye Muan.He leaned over and said, "I think you'd better go back."


Mo Sheng told her that it was about her, it was a very important matter, he'd better go back.


After Mo Sheng left, Mo Xi sat on the sofa alone and thought for a long time. She wondered whether she would go back or not.

When Ye Muan came out, what he saw was Mo Xi's deep appearance.

"Why, Mo Sheng left?"

He came over and sat down, and just now he deliberately left space for the two siblings without disturbing him, but now it seems that something terrible has happened?
Hearing this, Mo Xi nodded: "Let's go, he sent me a message, saying that there is something very important, and I'm thinking about whether I should go back..."

"Want to go back?"

"Do not want to."

Ye Muan nodded, took advantage of the situation and held her little hand, and said with a smile: "Then I won't go back."

Meeting his gaze, Mo Xi curled her lips into a smile, then leaned lightly on his shoulder: "Ye Muan, what do you think will happen?"

"Anyway, it won't be your lifelong event."

She was already married to him, so naturally it wouldn't be that matter.

However, this time, he just guessed wrong...

(End of this chapter)

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