Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 232 Ye Muan is about to breathe fire

Chapter 232 Ye Muan is about to breathe fire
After chatting with Mu Jiuyue for a while, Mo Xi gradually became less embarrassed, but Ye Muan approached her and said, "Aren't you embarrassed? Are you okay now?"

The corners of her mouth twitched fiercely, and she stretched out her hand to pinch his thigh.

Ye Muan seemed to be aware of it, and grasped her little hand in his own.

Mo Xi snorted twice, but couldn't get it out.

He held her hand, never wanting to let go.

Mo Xi turned her head and glanced at him, her lips curled up suddenly, and her mood brightened.

Mu Xunli and Mu Jiuyue naturally saw the small movements of the two of them. They looked at each other, looking at them with tenderness and a hint of envy.


Mu Jiuyue was going to stay in a hotel, but was stopped by Mo Xi: "No, it's not that there is no room at home, what kind of hotel are you staying in? Come to stay at home, how can a hotel be as comfortable as home?"

She pulled Mu Jiuyue, resolutely not letting her go out to live.

Ye Muan glanced at her quickly, and smiled softly with his lips curled up.

Unexpectedly, his wife is still warm-hearted.

"Stay at home."

Even Ye Muan opened his mouth, and Mu Jiuyue was stunned: "That...well... I'm really sorry to bother you, I'll just stay for a few days and leave..."

Her cute words made Mo Xi burst out laughing, and he came up and put his arms around her shoulders: "Sister, you don't need to rush away, we won't chase you away, you are a cousin, and you are not Outsiders, stay at ease."

Mo Xi was smiling all over his face, he had to express himself, after all, it was too embarrassing just now...

Mu Jiuyue smiled embarrassedly.


An Muxi Xiaowan and Ye Muan saw the scene in front of them, and suddenly felt a bit regretful about letting Mu Jiuyue live in.

Mo Xi hugged her pillow and knocked on Mu Jiuyue's door!
He is her husband, they have lived together for so long, why hasn't she knocked on his door? ?

As soon as Jiuyue came, she ran over? ? !
Ye Muan is about to breathe fire!

Sitting alone on the sofa, my heart is cold and cold...

He turned around, hoping that Mo Xi would come out, but when dawn came, she still didn't come out...

In other words, Ye Muan didn't sleep all night.

In the early morning, he ran to the room angrily and fell asleep!
It's just, tossing and turning...


When Mo Xi came out of Mu Jiuyue's room, she happened to hear the door of Ye Muan's room rang. She walked over and saw that it was closed...

She didn't take it to heart either, so she went straight back to her room and washed up.

Ye Muan didn't sleep very soundly. After a while, he got up straight away when he heard the sound outside. Seeing the figure in the kitchen, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Is this the sun coming out from the west?

Mo Xiaoxi is making breakfast? ? ?
He walked over full of surprise, and saw Mo Xi turned his head and smiled at him: "Morning."

Ye Muan went straight over to stroke her forehead, and clicked twice: "I don't have a fever..."

Hearing this, Mo Xi couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and kicked him: "What, you have a fever!"

She just got up to make breakfast, what's wrong? !

Is it weird? !
"Usually you sleep late, why today..." Ye Muan looked her up and down, as if he was thinking about something, his playful eyes made Mo Xi cough twice.

"Why, I'm not allowed to get up early?"

"Well, it's just very strange."

Mo Xi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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