Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 234 You Fuck Your Ass!

Chapter 234 You Fuck Your Ass!
Hearing this, Mo Xi snorted softly and muttered softly: "This is more or less..."

Knowing that she is not very good at cooking, she is very relieved to help her.

A smile suddenly appeared on Mo Xi's face: "That's hard work!"

The two looked at each other, and when Mo Xi was happy, Ye Mu'an suddenly said, "I helped you, is there any reward?"

Mo Xi's face froze: "Then you don't have to help me."

Sorry, she doesn't have any rewards to give him.

Ye Muan raised his eyebrows: "You really don't need my help?"

"Need not!"

She puffed her cheeks, this scoundrel, she sees, he just came to play with her, he said to help, but he wanted to reward, isn't he playing with her? !
Seeing Mo Xi's complexion turned pale for a moment, Ye Muan pursed his lips and silently helped.

Mo Xi felt that he was helping, so he glanced at him quickly, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.


When Mu Jiuyue came out, she saw the intimate picture of her cousin and sister-in-law in the kitchen together. The two of them cooked breakfast together. There was an atmosphere that infected her, and she couldn't help but curl her lips.

She is very lucky, everyone she meets is happy, except herself.

Liu Mengmeng and Gu Rufeng are happy, and Ye Muan and Moxi are also happy. That's great, the people around her are all happy.

Mu Jiuyue just looked at their figures with an envious look on her face.

Mo Xi inadvertently turned her head and saw her, she smiled at Mu Jiuyue, then looked back and reached out to poke Ye Muan: "Your cousin has come out.

"Isn't it your cousin?"

Ye Muan was dissatisfied, Mu Jiuyue was their cousin.

Hearing this, Mo Xi coughed twice, her cheeks flushed slightly.

A smile flashed across Ye Muan's eyes, he turned to Mu Jiuyue and said, "Morning, sit down first, we can eat later."

"Okay." Mu Jiuyue also responded with a smile.

This morning, there is something called happiness.

Because Mu Jiuyue moved in, Ye Muan deeply felt that his position had plummeted!
He can't compare to his little cousin!
This is simply a great shame, and no one will believe it if it is said.

However, that guy Moxi didn't notice at all that he was getting closer and closer to Mu Jiuyue.

Ye Muan was like a resentful woman in a boudoir, leaning on the head of her bed, hugging a pillow, pitiful.

His wife doesn't want him anymore, he's so lonely all by himself.

He sighed softly, clicked his tongue softly, no, he has to find a way to let his own wife come and see her...

He wandered around the room, and when he saw the bathroom, his eyes flashed, and a light flashed in his mind.


A few minutes later, Mo Xi rushed over, looked at Ye Muan who was lying on the bed, and hurried forward, but looked at him but didn't know what to do...

She frowned tightly: "You... How are you?"

Ye Muan's muffled voice came: "It hurts..."

Hearing this, Mo Xi frowned even deeper. After thinking for a moment, she suddenly stood up straight: "No! Let's go to the hospital!"

Hearing this, Ye Muan's eyes flickered, and he coughed twice: "No need, I'll just lie down for two days."

"No! How can this be lying down? Look at you, you can't even move!"

"I'm fine..."

"Don't pretend to be strong! I know, it must be very painful! You fell on your ass!"

Ye Muan didn't expect her to be so straightforward, and his face turned red uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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