Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 238 You Grieving Little Fairy

Chapter 238 You Grieving Little Fairy
"Okay, Ye Muan, how dare you lie to me?!"


Fortunately, she still looked very nervous, and even ran over from Mu Jiuyue's room when she saw the news. Unexpectedly, he was pretending? ! !
Being exposed, although Ye Muan was a little embarrassed, he still responded very seriously: "I really fell."

"But you just..."

"Holding you, even if it hurts, I will endure it!"

Seeing Ye Muan's 'sincere' gaze, Mo Xi narrowed her eyes slightly, why didn't she believe it? !
She looked at him like I couldn't believe it.

Facing her questioning gaze, Ye Muan said: It's embarrassing.

He coughed twice: "Well, I admit, I just want to attract you."

Hearing this, Mo Xi was surprised, in order to attract her?

She was puzzled, and Ye Muan began to explain: "You are with Jiuyue all day long, and you have neglected me, Mo Xiaoxi, I am your man! I am the husband on your marriage certificate, how can you abandon me?"

dear husband...

Mo Xi was struck by lightning, she never expected that Ye Muan would say such a thing.

What made her even more unbelievable was that Ye Muan actually said that she neglected him!

She was just having fun with her cousin, why did she neglect him?
Didn't you just not take him with you?


But seeing his aggrieved gaze, Mo Xi became suspicious. Did she really go too far?

That's right, she shouldn't neglect him...


Mo Xi frowned slightly: "But...but I really didn't neglect you."

Ye Muan said with a serious face, "You have!"

Mo Xi choked, what else could she say?
Ye Muan suddenly hugged Mo Xi and did not let go, begging for comfort, "Honey, don't neglect me..."

Seeing such a coquettish and cute Ye Muan, Mo Xi was taken aback. Why did she feel like a domineering president, while Ye Muan was a petite wife?
As if thinking of something, Mo Xi suddenly curled her lips into a smile, and she stretched out her hand to lift Ye Muan's chin: "Hey, be honest, I will love you a lot, be obedient, you know? You annoying little fairy... ..."

Ye Muan froze when he heard her words.

Without the coquetry and cuteness just now, he looked at her with deep eyes.

His eyes were weird, just when Mo Xi thought that Ye Muan was going to get angry and she didn't want her to say these things, Ye Muan's words made her refresh her world view!
"Honey, please love me! Do you want the tortured little goblin? Huh?"

Mo Xi: "..."

She was dumbfounded, why is it like this?

Generally speaking, don't men feel provoked when women say this?

Why did he just follow the flow when he got to Ye Muan's place?

Don't follow the rules at all!

Seeing that Mo Xi was dumbfounded, Ye Mu'an smiled, and threw him directly on the bed: "Honey, the torturer is coming to torture you, are you ready?"

Mo Xi was thinking about what he was going to do, when she saw Ye Muan rushing towards him, she was shocked and stopped him immediately: "Why are you..."

"Oh, of course I listen to you, to be a tormenting little fairy."

Ye Muan's serious words made Mo Xi speechless.

Seeing him rushing towards him, she had no choice but to dodge, from the head of the bed to the bed, then to the carpet and finally to the door, when Mo Xi's hand touched the doorknob, Ye Muan grabbed him.

" let go..."

(End of this chapter)

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