Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 247 Never Thought Something Was Wrong

Chapter 247 Never Thought Something Was Wrong

While she was wondering, Ye Muan's explanation came from her ear: "Well... it should be my parents who came."


For a while, Mo Xi didn't react, Mom and Dad?


Suddenly, she groaned, and quickly got up from him, and kicked to the ground, checking if there was anything wrong with her.

After checking herself, she checked the room again, her eyes fell on the computer, she quickly closed it, and snatched the mouse from Ye Muan's hand.

This time, she snatched the things very smoothly... Ye Muan looked at her suddenly as if she went crazy, and couldn't help laughing: "It's not like you haven't met my parents, are you still afraid?"

Hearing this, Mo Xi nodded frantically: "Of course I'm afraid! You must be afraid! Tell me, why did you come here suddenly?!"

She was at a loss, hid the computer, and complained casually, but she didn't expect to actually receive a response, only to hear Ye Muan say casually: "Oh, I asked them to come here."

I let them come over...

In one sentence, Mo Xi froze instantly.

Looking at the man in front of her, she couldn't help curling her lips: "Ye Muan! Why did you let your parents come when you have nothing to do?"

She thought something was wrong, but she didn't want Ye Muan to speak seriously: "Didn't you say that I bullied you and you want to tell my mother? I called you here for you."

Mo Xi: "!!!"

She was just talking casually, but he was called over?

Mo Xi was dumbfounded, do you want to be so hard?


As soon as she opened her mouth, Ye Muan interrupted her: "Hurry up and get some of your clothes and daily necessities, just bring a few at random."

Hearing this, Mo Xi was very surprised: "Why?"

"My parents are here, and they will definitely come to my room. We are husband and wife. If we don't live together, they will definitely talk. You don't want to listen to their nagging?"

Mo Xi blinked twice: "It makes sense!"

Seeing her rushing out at a speed of [-] meters, Ye Muan behind him couldn't help but curl his lips, his eyes were full of cunning.

His parents only know that she is his girlfriend, but they don't know that he and her are married, and it doesn't matter whether they live together or not. Once they see Mo Xi living with him...

Ye Muan smiled unconsciously.


Mo Xi obediently took the things away from Ye Muan's room, flustered, and finally seemed to be in order.

Seeing that half of Ye Muan's room belonged to her, Mo Xi breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

She didn't want to hear Ye Muan's parents nagging.

She couldn't help shivering.

When Ye Muan said that his parents would nag, she subconsciously obeyed Ye Muan's arrangement, and never thought of anything wrong...

She was pushed by Ye Muan to open the door, and Mo Xi stood at the door, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

Seeing someone coming, she immediately smiled: "Aunt Karen, uncle, are you here?"

Afraid that she was doing something wrong, she immediately called them in, serving tea and water like a dog's leg.

She didn't notice at all, she didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of Ye Muan's parents.

She has already regarded herself as the daughter-in-law of the Ye family.

To make the Ye family's parents happy and not picky is her purpose at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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