Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 250 Ye Muan is very bad

Chapter 250 Ye Muan is very bad
Seeing Ye Muan nodding, Mo Xi couldn't stop holding his forehead, and then quickly and accurately rushed towards him: "Ye Muan! You are a big villain!"

Ye Muan couldn't control himself, and was thrown straight down by her. Luckily, a carpet was laid on the ground, so he was not injured.

After he fell, Mo Xi also fell.

Ye Muan immediately supported her to prevent her from falling, seeing that she was fine, he only cared about himself.

While he breathed a sigh of relief, he also frowned slightly: "Mo Xiaoxi, are you sick?"

What if she fell on herself?
Don't know if he will feel distressed?
When Mo Xi heard what he said, he gave him a vicious look: "How dare you say that! I just realized now that your mother doesn't know about our marriage. She just thought we were boyfriend and girlfriend. You're fine, let me put the clothes and daily necessities in your place, it's all right now, there's a big misunderstanding!"

"What misunderstanding??"

"Your mother believed that you and I would walk together, that I was the daughter-in-law of the Ye family, and that I would... give birth to a baby for your family..." Mo Xi couldn't help puffing her cheeks, so angry, She was tricked.

And she actually helped Ye Muan!
It's just so stupid!
What she said didn't make Ye Muan react too much, he even raised his eyebrows, and said solemnly: "Isn't it like this?"

Won't she keep walking with him?

Isn't she the daughter-in-law of the Ye family?

Wouldn't she give him a baby?

If none of these...

Then who else does she want to go on with?

Who else do you want to be a daughter-in-law for?
Who else do you want to give birth to?

For a moment, Ye Muan's whole body became heavy, and he looked as if he was angry.

Seeing Ye Muan like this, Mo Xi couldn't help being dumbfounded.

what's the situation?
Still angry, shouldn't it be her?
Why did Ye Muan get angry instead?

She frowned slightly, and just when she was about to say something, she heard Ye Muan's serious voice: "Mo Xiaoxi, you should give up your heart. From now on, you can only go on with me. She can be the daughter-in-law of our Ye family, but she can only give birth to me, do you hear me?!"

The man in front of him is full of the air of a domineering president.

When Mo Xi saw it, he couldn't help being startled.

She looked at Ye Muan and blinked her eyes: "Oh."


Ye Muan's pupils shrunk slightly, and he couldn't stop squinting, this woman.

Damn it!

She always has the capital to make him angry!
It's her who makes him happy, and it's him who makes him angry!

Ye Muan looked at the little woman in front of him, suddenly pushed her away, and returned to his room.

This scene happened suddenly, and Mo Xi was stunned.

Is he... angry?

But why?
Obviously she is looking for him to settle accounts, isn't she?
How... did it change in an instant?

Mo Xi couldn't help reaching out and scratching his head with a dazed expression.

She couldn't react...

In Ye Muan's room, after closing the door, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, it was finally quiet.

Fearing that Mo Xi would not give in, he simply pre-empted and frightened her.

He thought, Mo Xi's brain should not be able to react at this moment.

His greatest joy in this life is to fool his wife.

Ye Muan was very bad.

Just now he looked angry, but now he is like a wolf who stole food, in his den, very happy.

 Ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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