Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 252 She was so blocked that she was almost out of breath

Chapter 252 She was so blocked that she was almost out of breath

Mo Xi stared at Ye Muan's collar, didn't react at the moment, just stared at him blankly, she was completely dumbfounded, she never thought that the scenes that appeared in those novels would appear on her and Ye Muan.

She never thought that Ye Muan would bring this kind of thing home...

I saw a red lipstick mark on Ye Muan's collar, anyone with a discerning eye could tell what it was...

Mo Xi's eyes flickered for a moment, and then he turned to look at him. Ye Muan was shaking his head, looking like he was about to fall asleep.

When she saw Ye Muan like this, she suddenly became angry. It turned out that he avoided her and didn't see her, so he just went out to fool around? ?

He ran out with another woman?

Mo Xi didn't know whether to cry or laugh, so he finally kicked him and ran back to his room.

Her complexion was very bad, obviously she shouldn't have any big reaction, but why, when she saw Ye Muan like this, she felt extremely panicked?
She was almost out of breath.


When Ye Muan woke up, it was already broad daylight. He opened his eyes and saw a piece of darkness. He stepped back only to realize that the sofa was low...

He rubbed his head involuntarily, what's going on?
Why, would he sleep on the sofa in the living room?

Didn't he go back to his room yesterday?
No, how did he come back?
There were many doubts in Ye Muan's eyes, and he finally stood up with his forehead supported. When his eyes touched the closed door, Ye Muan sighed helplessly, this guy is still sleeping.

He intentionally avoided her, but later found out that something was wrong. He found that Mo Xi seemed to be avoiding him too...

It's just that he didn't understand, the way he looked that day was obviously his angry look, shouldn't Mo Xi come to coax him?

But why?
Mo Xi actually avoided him directly, and didn't even say a word, as if he didn't exist?
Ye Muan expressed his surprise, such situations are really rare, and he was a little at a loss.

This day, Mo Xi was basking in the sun on the grass. She was sleeping well and was blocked from the sun. She couldn't help frowning. The moment she saw Ye Muan, she averted her eyes lightly, as if she didn't want to talk to her. .

Seeing her like this, Ye Muan frowned: "You..."

As soon as he said a word, Mo Xi got up and walked into the room.

Ye Mu'an was stunned, almost without thinking, he rushed over and stood in front of her.

Mo Xi walked around him without saying a word, as if he didn't see it.

Seeing her like this, Ye Muan frowned, reached out and grabbed her arm, and said in a low voice, "Mo Xiaoxi, what are you doing? Why are you avoiding me?"

Hearing this, Mo Xi pursed her lips, turned her head and glanced at him, that look was full of disdain and contempt, which made Ye Muan feel very uncomfortable, as if a hand was grabbing him!
His heart hurts.

In this way, he was even more reluctant to let her go.

He held her tightly, as if he didn't speak if she didn't tell why.

Mo Xi took a deep breath: "Let go."

Before she is not angry, he'd better let go, otherwise!

She wasn't sure if she would do something.

Seeing Mo Xi's unusually ugly face, Ye Muan frowned slightly, what's wrong, this is...

While he was wondering, she had already broken away from him and walked in.

 ps: There are recommendations in the past few days, so there will be six updates, I hope you can leave a lot of comments and votes, okay~

(End of this chapter)

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