Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 259 Mo Xiaoxi, calm down for me!

Chapter 259 Mo Xiaoxi, calm down for me!

The two men looked at the two drunk women and couldn't stop taking deep breaths. They were afraid that one of them could not control themselves, so they pressed the two of them on the sofa and beat them!
Ye Muan took a deep breath, looked at Mo Xi who was trying to slap her, felt angry, but also relieved, angry that she came to this kind of place, relieved that she still knew that someone was approaching him, and she was resisting.

However, what if the person he meets is not him?

Ye Muan didn't dare to think about it, after all, the outside world is so terrifying...

It was overwhelming.

He walked straight over and pulled Mo Xi up: "Go home."

Mo Xi struggled: "Go away, who are you! Don't touch me!"

"Who am I, you don't know?" Ye Muan's voice gradually sank, his eyes stared straight at the woman in front of him, it was really incompetent!
Mo Xi couldn't help frowning, looked up at him, then sat directly on the sofa, picked up the glass and continued drinking, as if ignoring him, Ye Muan couldn't stop rubbing his forehead with her appearance.

Mu Xunli at the side also abandoned the man who looked like her brother, and when she saw Mo Xi sitting down to drink, she also sat down with a smile.

The two women are together again, completely as if they didn't exist.

what to do.

Ye Muan: "..."

Mu Xunfeng: "..."

The two men turned their heads and looked at each other, Mu Xunfeng snorted softly: "Look, it's your woman who led me to the ground."

Hearing this, Ye Muan frowned, turned her head and glanced at Mo Xi and Mu Xunli, the seems to be like this...

He couldn't help turning dark, and didn't speak for a long time.

Mu Xunfeng couldn't stop smiling.

Seeing the smile on his face inadvertently, Ye Mu'an felt a groan in his heart: "I said, your woman has drunk like this, yet you still have the mood to laugh here?"

"Why can't I laugh? Anyway, I can take care of her."

Hearing this, Ye Mu'an snorted lightly: "It seems like I can't take care of her, Mu Xunfeng, Mo Xi and I are husband and wife, I take care of her, it's justified, what about you? Huh?"

As if he wanted to see Mu Xunfeng deflated, he deliberately said this.

And Mu Xunfeng glanced at him, and said seriously: "Oh, I'm justified, she is my sister."

"you sure?"

Hearing this, Mu Xunfeng's eyes flashed, and his eyes fell straight on Ye Muan's face. Ye Muan smiled but said nothing, and nodded gently: "Okay, it's justified."

He stopped teasing him, walked over and picked up Mo Xi.

She was a little dizzy at first, but when she was picked up suddenly, Mo Xi became even more dizzy. Her little paw patted his face unhappily: "Bastard! What are you doing! Put me down!"

He was beaten suddenly, and it was still in front of the Mu brothers and sisters. Ye Muan suddenly became ill. Looking at the person in his arms, he gritted his teeth: "Mo Xiaoxi, calm down!"

Hearing his name, Mo Xi seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and then, he tried hard to look at Ye Muan, as if he wanted to see who he was...

Seeing her like this, Ye Muan approached her directly to let her see clearly.

Mo Xi blinked and looked at him vigorously.

he is……

He looks like that guy...

But that person wouldn't know about it, how could he find it?

The two people just stared at each other like this, as if they were looking in a mirror, you don't move and I don't move...

So close that they could see the hairs on each other's faces.

When you get close, you will kiss me as soon as you get close...

 ps: Remember to leave a lot of comments and votes these days~
  Recommend the completion of the old book "Cute Little Ome: The Bamboo Horse Is Too Black-bellied"

  [Great sweet, absolutely beloved article, the hero and heroine are clean in mind and body! 】

  Liu Mengmeng came into his house, slept in his bed, and tagged him as a 'brain woman' by the way.

  She is destined for life in the womb, and the older she grows, the more affectionate she becomes. She actively pursues her many times, but she doesn't get any response from the male god, but she doesn't know she's caught in the trap of the big bad wolf!


(End of this chapter)

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