Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 261 He suddenly felt a wave of fear

Chapter 261 He was suddenly afraid

Suddenly feeling that his cheeks were wet, his eyes trembled slightly, he couldn't believe it, and subconsciously looked over.

With just one glance, he met Mu Xunli's perfect face, she was full of smiles, and he was completely attracted, his soul was gone...

It's not that Mu Xunfeng has never seen Mu Xunli smile, but seeing her smile now, he feels like a little boy who fell in love for the first time, his heart beating wildly.

He looked at the girl in front of him, and couldn't help reaching out to touch his cheek. She just...

kissed him...

When she was sober, she wouldn't kiss him...

Maybe it's only when she's drunk.

Mu Xunfeng sighed softly in his heart, and was about to hug him out, but Mu Xunli pushed him away at this moment: "No, no, you can't hug me, I haven't been hugged by a man before..."

Except her brother...

When Mu Xunfeng heard her words, his eyes were so soft that water could overflow.

He raised his hand and rubbed her little head: "What a little fool."

"Wow, I'm not a fool!!"

Mu Xunli frowned, looking up at him aggrieved.

I don't know how many men are moved by this appearance.

Mu Xunfeng swallowed involuntarily, and tightened the hands holding her shoulders. Fortunately, fortunately, it's him today. If someone else sees her like this...

He felt a sudden wave of fear in his heart.

As a man, most men can't refuse such a girl, and even have bad intentions.

Mu Xunfeng thought, never letting Mu Xunli and Mo Xi drink alcohol in the future.

This time he knew. If he didn't know and something happened, what should we do?
Thinking of this, Mu Xunfeng had that idea more and more.

In the future, she will never be allowed to drink.


Embracing Mu Xunli, who was not very well-behaved, to go out, Mu Xunfeng saw Mo Xi sitting on the ground and Ye Muan squatting in front of her, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, it was hard to imagine that the two of them hadn't left yet...

And Mu Xunli in his arms followed his gaze, and when he saw Mo Xi, his eyes lit up instantly: "Mo Xiaoxi!"

She hurried over and said why Mo Xiaoxi suddenly disappeared, so she was at the door.

She ran up to Mo Xi, put her arms around her shoulders and rubbed her cheek: "Mo Xiaoxi..."

When Mo Xi saw Mu Xunli, a smile flashed in her slightly drunken eyes, and her hands lightly rested on her arms.

Seeing the two women being so close, the two men couldn't help frowning.

Looking at each other, they all mean to blame each other.

Look after your woman!

You are optimistic about your woman!


They never thought that the relationship between Mo Xi and Mu Xunli would be so deep that it would be impossible to separate them.

Ye Muan was really helpless, and Mu Xunfeng's face was not much better...

Mu Xunli and Mo Xi were whispering to each other, whispering something, the smiles on their faces made the two men envious and jealous.

They did not expect that the relationship between the two women would be so good.

They were completely ignored!

In the end, Mu Xunfeng couldn't take it anymore, and took Mu Xunfeng away directly. Mu Xunfeng stretched out his hand and looked at Mo Xi bitterly, as if he didn't want to separate us.

Mo Xi watched her leave and couldn't help smiling.

Mu Xunfeng finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Well, she took over Mu Xunli that belonged to him.

She was smiling when she saw Ye Muan appearing in front of her. Suddenly, the smile on her face gradually disappeared...

 ps: Well, it was agreed to be past eleven o'clock, but I got it past twelve o'clock, sorry, there will be another update later~
(End of this chapter)

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