Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 268 Very Hot?your face is red

Chapter 268 Very Hot?your face is red
Mo Xi frowned slightly, and looked at Ye Muan dissatisfied, this guy...

She wanted to have a good talk with him, but in the end...

He actually said... don't say anything!
She took a deep breath and forced herself not to get angry: "Ye Muan, please don't make trouble."

She couldn't see his expression, she only knew that he was resting on her shoulder.

Ye Muan closed his eyes, really wanting time to stay here.

He wanted to spend time with Mo Xi like this.

Such a time is very good and innocent.

There will be no unhappiness.

He said sullenly: "I didn't make trouble, I really don't want to talk to you."

He didn't know what to talk about, he just wanted to escape now.

Call him a coward or an evader.

He just didn't want to talk to Mo Xi.

He would rather be so confused than to be clear.

He was afraid that if he understood everything, there would be nothing left.

The only thing he wants is Mo Xiaoxi.


Time seemed to stand still.

Neither person responds to the other with a gift.

But this is not a problem, Mo Xi frowned and thought for a moment, and finally felt that she should start from the beginning, and she went straight to the point: "Who was that woman just now?"

Hearing this, Ye Muan raised his head from her shoulders, and said with a serious face: "The business partner's daughter should have come from his father, but...somehow, it turned out to be her."

He didn't know about this.

Substitution in the middle.

If he knew, he would never see him.

He tried his best to deal with other women as little as possible, because he knew that he was a married man and wanted to keep a distance from other women.

Hearing what he said, Mo Xi frowned: "So that's the case... Then did I disturb you?"

She seems to have messed things up...

Mo Xi couldn't help sticking out his tongue.

This cute little look of hers fell in Ye Muan's eyes, and she couldn't help smiling, her eyes were full of smiles: "No."

How come, he hoped that Mo Xi could mess things up for him.

This kind of thing is nothing.

Even if Mo Xi didn't come, he would quickly find excuses to drive people out.

It's just that she was one step too fast.

Mo Xi raised her eyebrows: "After all, it's a big contract, don't you feel bad?"

Hearing this, Ye Muan lowered his eyes to meet hers.

It was only her that he felt sorry for.

He doesn't feel bad about anyone or anything.

Mo Xi paused suddenly, she felt as if she understood his eyes...

Her heartbeat accelerated involuntarily, and her whole body became tense.

My God, it turns out that this is what it feels like to be with someone you like.

She wanted to feel this way before, but she didn't feel anything, but now she felt extremely embarrassed.

Maybe it's a change of mind.

Everything is different.

Mo Xi took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down and not blush, but...

"What's the matter, it's hot? Your face is very red."

Ye Mu'an's incomprehensible words made Mo Xi's complexion even more rosy.

She coughed twice, trying to get up from his lap, but Ye Muan frowned and said in a low voice, "Don't move."

He opened the drawer, picked up the wet towel inside, raised his head and wiped her forehead...

Mo Xi: "..."

Plop, plop--

She felt like she was really going to die...

She kept looking at him, but she didn't expect Ye Muan to drop her eyes too, and the eyes of the two met immediately...

 ps: A man who is not confident is the most affectionate and loyal.

(End of this chapter)

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