Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 270 Like a Wounded Little Beast Weeping Softly

Chapter 270 Like a Wounded Little Beast Weeping Softly
Assistant Wang wanted to say something, but was stared back by Ye Muan: "Assistant Wang, are you idle? The company has no shortage of idlers."

The implication is that you should go to work.

Assistant Wang stood at attention: "Yes, President!"

He turned around directly and walked forward.

Mo Xi: "..."

Looking at this assistant, Mo Xi couldn't help laughing, it was so cute.

Turning her head to look at Ye Muan, she let out a sigh: "You assistant, you are quite cute."

Hearing this, Ye Muan glanced at her, very dissatisfied.

She actually said other men are cute in front of him.


Before he could express anything, he saw Mo Xi suddenly possessed him, keeping a horizontal distance from him.

Such a close distance made Ye Muan's heart beat uncontrollably, he stepped back subconsciously, and looked at Mo Xi defensively, as if she would do something.

Seeing him like this, Mo Xi couldn't help laughing, and then said solemnly: "Ye Muan, is it me as the screensaver on your phone?"

She had a smile all over her face, like a happy doll.

Ye Muan: "..."

His ears turned slightly red unconsciously, and Mo Xi naturally noticed it, as if she had discovered something interesting, she kept staring at Ye Muan.

Ye Muan was a little overwhelmed by her stare, so he was annoyed: "What are you looking at?!"

"Look at the handsome guy." Mo Xi responded solemnly.

Ye Muan: "..."

"Seriously, is your screensaver really me? Why didn't I know?"

Mo Xi's face was full of fun, she didn't even notice this.

did not expect……

I really didn't expect...

She wanted to ask, but Ye Muan didn't have any serious questions at all. She took advantage of Ye Muan's inattention and took his cell phone by surprise.

Ye Muan was shocked, and hurriedly got up and chased after him.

Is the secret he kept in his heart still going to be discovered by her...

He was already very fast, but with the phone in Mo Xi's hands, no matter how fast he was, he was not as fast as Mo Xi...

While running, Mo Xi had already pressed the phone...

His hands lit up, and when he saw the screen saver, Mo Xi was stunned.

It's not wrong to see her in the screen saver of his mobile phone, but...

Half her, half...he...

Both of them are on the screen, they fit very well, but she can be sure that she has never taken a photo with Ye Muan, then...

"It's a p, I didn't expect it, I'm in the same photo as you, and I need a p picture." Seeing her stop, Ye Muan stopped himself.

She has seen it, there is no reason for him to go there, isn't there?
p figure.

Mo Xi was shocked when he saw the photo.

And hearing those words of Ye Muan, Mo Xi's heart ached.

Ye Muan's voice was too low and hoarse, like a wounded little animal crying softly.

It turned out that the two of them had never had a photo together, and the photo was posted on P...

Mo Xi couldn't tell how he felt at the moment, he only knew that he was very uncomfortable.


Some are not tasteful.

The hand she was holding the phone involuntarily became heavier.

Ye Muan, how can you be so stupid, so stupid, so stupid!
bastard bastard bastard!

Seeing that she was not moving, Ye Muan couldn't help lowering his eyes, and walked over gently to get the phone back.

However, he didn't expect that as soon as he got close to her, she suddenly turned around and hugged him tightly.

 ps: Assistant Wang is not cute, I am Assistant Wang, boo~
(End of this chapter)

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