Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 273 My waist hurts a lot from being held by you

Chapter 273 My waist hurts a lot from being held by you
Ye Muan's eyes flashed when he heard her words, but he didn't speak, but hugged her more tightly.

Mo Xi: "..."

Finally, after 2 minutes passed, Mo Xi couldn't take it anymore, and begged softly, "Can you let me go first? My waist hurts from being held by you..."

Ye Muan's strength was too great, she couldn't bear it.

Hearing this, Ye Muan slowly loosened his grip. He was really afraid that she would leave here and find another man to fall in love with.

"Mo Xiaoxi, if you want to fall in love, I'm here, you don't need to find another man, you have me." Ye Muan frowned slightly, recommending himself.

Mo Xi bit her lower lip and held back her smile: "Oh, you..."

"for me."

"But I asked you just now, and you said you wouldn't talk to me."

Speaking of this, Ye Muan was very annoyed: "It's because you didn't make it clear, if you..."

If she said that she came to him for a relationship, he would naturally talk about it directly, and there was no need to avoid it, did he avoid it? !
Ye Muan stared at her sadly.

Mo Xi couldn't stand his eyes, so he coughed lightly: "Well...Actually...I came to talk to you, the two of us recently...The atmosphere is really bad, I don't know what happened, why did we suddenly have a cold war?"

Hearing this, Ye Muan pursed his lips, his brows still frowning.

Mo Xi took a deep breath, looked at Ye Muan in front of her, and asked directly: "Ye Muan, I want to know what happened to the ... lipstick mark on your collar when you were drunk last time!"


Lipstick marks?
Ye Muan was in a daze, what's going on...

He looked at Mo Xi, hesitant to speak, and Mo Xi couldn't stop curling his lips: "Don't tell me, you don't know anything."

Ye Muan pursed his lips and remained silent for a moment, looking at Mo Xi with burning eyes: "Then it because of this that you treat me like this?"

"Well, almost."

Hearing her affirmation, Ye Muan took a breath, it was really...

But he really didn't know about that matter...

"I went to eat with Mo Sheng that time, and drank a little wine..." He felt really uncomfortable, so he ate and drank with Mo Sheng. After all, Mo Sheng is Mo Xi's younger brother, so he should be able to understand her a little bit.

Ye Muan just wanted to find a way from Mo Sheng.

But I didn't expect, what lipstick marks?

Is it because of that lipstick mark that he and Mo Xi are almost in a cold war? !
Ye Mu'an was upset and impatient, so he took out his mobile phone, called Mo Sheng, and asked him to come over.

Mo Xi on the side watched his movements, feeling a little dazed, what is... what?
Seeing him hang up, she quickly asked, "Who are you calling?"

"Mo Sheng."

Hearing this, Mo Xi was surprised: "I'm asking about your lipstick marks, what do you call Mo Sheng? Could it be his kiss?!"

She almost didn't think about it, and just said that.

Ye Muan's hair was black, he looked at Mo Xi quietly, and said a word: "Mo Sheng is a man."

So, no such thing as lipstick.

Mo Xi coughed twice in embarrassment.

Ye Mu'an directly explained to her that he didn't know about it, and assured that he had never had any dealings with women. As for what happened, Mo Sheng came, just ask him, and he will know.

Mo Xi nodded, but he was still a little upset: "You don't call me when you eat and drink?!"


Ye Muan: "..."

 ps: Obviously being abused was miserable, but I still really want to watch it, I know you are like me, you say you don’t want your body but you are very honest.

  Hahaha, high energy ahead!All high energy behind! !

  Move the little bench! !Ready to eat dog food! ! !
  Ahhhh, remember to vote! ! !

  Thanks to [Wu's Fan Baobao] [Zhi Chen] [Shen Fuyao] [Withered Leaf Cat] [Leng Yaoshang] and others for their rewards, what a treat!

(End of this chapter)

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