Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 283 Hey, hey, slow down...

Chapter 283 Hey, hey, slow down...

Mo Xi secretly opened one eye and took a quick glance at Ye Muan, otherwise, she pretended to be asleep?

Thinking of this, the corners of her mouth raised somewhat, and just as she was about to 'sleep', she heard Ye Muan's voice: "I warn you, don't pretend to be asleep."

What would he do if she fell asleep?
Ye Muan looked ahead, stepped on the gas pedal...

Mo Xi: "!!!"

How did he know what she was thinking? ! ! !

She instantly turned her head to look at him, seeing Ye Muan's handsome side face, Mo Xi narrowed her eyes slightly, it seemed that Ye Muan had already guessed what she was thinking.

She couldn't help coughing twice, although it was very embarrassing, but there was also a trace of joy in her heart.

Does this mean that Ye Muan still understands her very well?

Mo Xi smiled softly, feeling the speed of the car soaring, she couldn't help but feel a little dazed, and subconsciously asked: "Why, rushing to reincarnate?"

Ye Muan, who was driving, turned his head and glanced at her. Mo Xi couldn't help trembling slightly with those unfathomable eyes, Emma, ​​what kind of eyes are these?
She couldn't help shrinking back, feeling that Ye Muan would not let her go today...

Mo Xi couldn't help coughing twice, forcing himself to calm down.


The 15-minute journey was only six or seven minutes by Ye Muan's car. When they arrived home, Mo Xi was in a daze.

Mom, is it so fast? ?

She didn't remember it so fast, did she?

While she was in amazement, the window was suddenly opened, and Mo Xi was startled. It turned out that Ye Muan had already got out of the car while she was in a daze of doubt, walked around to her side, and opened the car door for her personally.

Mo Xi: "..."

Seeing Ye Muan who suddenly appeared, Mo Xi coughed twice in embarrassment, what should I do, she regrets it so much now!
Regret that he teased Ye Muan, now it's too late to regret it!
Ye Muan was already standing in front of her!

Mo Xi grinned at him: "What a coincidence..."

"Unfortunately, I'm here to open the door for you. Do you come down by yourself, or should I carry you down?"

Hearing this, Mo Xi rolled her big sly eyes, thought for a while and said, "Don't bother you, I have feet, so I'll get down by myself."

She walked down in a hurry, turned to him and said, "You can park the car in the garage first."

She only heard Ye Muan hum, she turned and walked into the house, but there was no movement behind her, she was so happy, she was about to run!
However, after just two steps, the back collar was grabbed!
Mo Xi stretched out his hand and slid it, plopped a few times, but...

She turned her head to look at the man who grabbed her collar with a sad face: "What are you doing!"

"I think you want to run away." Ye Muan looked at her deeply.

She teased him, and he wouldn't let her run away.

Being guessed right, Mo Xi coughed twice in embarrassment.

Then he raised his head and said to him solemnly: "Nonsense! I want to go home! Why are you running away?"

Ye Muan just looked at her like this, without saying a word, gradually, Mo Xi's aura was inexplicably lost...

She stood in front of Ye Muan like a person who did something wrong, shaking her head.

Ye Muan looked at her, and suddenly pulled her into the room. Of course, he pulled her by the collar.

Mo Xi was carried in by him just like that.

Only at this time did she realize that she was so petite!

Take it and leave? ! !

Mo Xi tiptoed: "Hey, hey, slow down..."

Why are you walking so fast, your legs are so long!

(End of this chapter)

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