Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 294 Always Taking Advantage Of Her

Chapter 294 Always Taking Advantage Of Her
Hearing his words, Mo Xi couldn't help curling his lips.

This must not be a real husband.

How could you want your wife to be unattractive? ?

Is this still a man?

Her eyes fell on Ye Muan and looked around, making Ye Muan raise his eyebrows: "Why?"

Hearing this, Mo Xi shook his head fiercely: "It's okay."

If there is anything wrong, I can't say anything.

Mo Xi nestled in his arms and was dazed. To her, Shen Sanming was just a friend. She never thought that Shen Sanming would like her.

So, is there such a thing?
"Did you make a mistake? How could Shen Sanming like me? I've acted like a girl." She couldn't help frowning. Could it be that she used the wrong method?

"Well, then the next time you see him, just act more like a manly man." Ye Muan said with a smile, it's best to scare others away.

Mo Xi couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"You can be a female man with others, but with me, a man, gentle, cute, charming, Yujie, you can... I want to..."

Ye Mu'an couldn't stop getting close to her, he loved Mo Xi for everything.

He likes them all.

Hearing this, Mo Xi couldn't help but rubbed his arms, looking like he had goosebumps.

She hurriedly avoided Ye Muan, but the corner of her mouth couldn't help laughing.

It seems that Ye Muan likes her no matter what she is.

In that case, she would be relieved.

Mo Xi stood up with a smile, but was pulled back by Ye Muan, and her lips were blocked...


She was helpless for a while, this guy, who couldn't eat it, always took advantage of her!

Ye Mu'an has to go to work, and Mo Xi is writing novels at home alone. These days are ordinary and warm.

It's perfect for a party once in a while.

In the golden years, when five people gather together, it is still the same room and the same smell.

Sitting in the middle alone, Mo Sheng sighed helplessly.

Mu Xunli asked him what was wrong halfway, but he shook his head and didn't respond, so she just gave up.

Mo Xi pulled Mu Xunli and didn't let her ask more questions, so that brat didn't care about him.

Mo Sheng looked at the one on this side by himself, and then at the two on the other side.

Another unstoppable sigh.

People are in pairs.

One pair is already husband and wife, and although the other pair has no status, based on his reasoning, Mu Xunfeng will not let go of Mu Xunli, so it will be a matter of time before they get together.

only he...

Mo Sheng was going to die of anger.

Eat dog food every day, eat dog food!
He's turning into a dog!
"Wang Wang Wang!!!"

Suddenly raised his head and yelled three times, causing the other four people to look over.

Mo Sheng: "...Don't worry about me, you guys continue."

Single dog, no one loves.

He loves himself, so it's okay.

He was holding a wine bottle with a sad expression on his face.

Mo Xi looked at him, frowning uncontrollably: "Are you broken in love?"

Mo Sheng: "..."

He looked at his sister and couldn't help sighing, it would be great if he was broken in love!
But the point is, if there is no love, where does the loss come from! !

He didn't respond, and Mo Xi was very helpless, she turned to look at Ye Muan, Ye Muan shook his head, motioning her not to ask.

She shrugged, turned around and dragged Mu Xunli and the two of them away while whispering.


Mu Xunfeng and Ye Muan looked at the two of them tenderly, as if they would be very happy just looking at her like this.

(End of this chapter)

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