Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 298 Not only is she cute, but she is also wronged like a child

Chapter 298 Not only is she cute, but she is also wronged like a child

He took advantage of the opportunity to rub against her, not knowing whether it was on purpose or not.

"Well, it's so soft..."

Mo Xi: "..."

Her face was so red that it exploded, and she quickly raised her eyes to look at the other two people.

One is dozing off, the other is lying on the sofa with eyes closed, it should be...

Haven't heard of it?
She couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and looked down at Ye Muan in her arms, feeling helpless, this guy, drunk, turned out to be like this?

Like a child.

"Ye Muan, are you drunk?"

"I... I'm not drunk! Wife, I want to kiss..."

Seeing that Ye Muan was about to find her face to kiss, Mo Xi hurriedly moved away so as not to take advantage of him.

Even if you're drunk, don't do it.

Who knows if he did it on purpose?

Mo Xi looked at the rambunctious Ye Muan, feeling helpless, no wonder he didn't let her drink, if she drank emotionally, then they wouldn't have to go home today.

She couldn't help rubbing her forehead, it was really...

There was a sudden wet touch on his face, and Mo Xi couldn't help shouting: "Ye Muan! Be honest with me!"

Ye Muan opened his eyes and frowned: "Honey, be good, don't swear."

Mo Xi: "!!!"

And he knew she was swearing?

OK, it's great!

Drunk people actually know this.

Mo Xi took a deep breath: "Go home?"

"Well, go home and give me some meat? Okay, let's go home, go home..."

Ye Muan looked very happy.

Mo Xi: "..."

Her footsteps paused slightly, and before she could continue walking, she saw Ye Muan turn around and look at her with an aggrieved expression on her face: "If you agreed to eat meat for me, if you agreed to eat mine, you wouldn't Here, cheating, cheating is a puppy's work!"

Mo Xi: "!!!"

She raised her hand to cover his mouth, this...

This really dares to say anything.

The Mu brothers and sisters are all here, he is drunk, but she also wants to save face!
"you shut up!"

"You murdered wife raped me, my wife doesn't love me anymore..." Ye Muan suddenly sat on the sofa, feeling extremely wronged.

Seeing him like this, Mo Xi couldn't stop rubbing his forehead.

God, can anyone save her? ?
"My meat is gone, it's gone... my wife won't give me food, my wife won't give me love... love..."

Ye Muan was talking, when his mouth was covered suddenly, he looked up at Mo Xi who was covering his mouth, she blinked at her, stretched out her hand and booed, signaling him not to speak.

Seeing her like this, he suddenly fell silent, very obedient, and then, while she was not resting, he lightly licked her palm.

Suddenly, Mo Xi felt an electric current spread from the palm of her hand to her whole body, and she shivered.

She glared at him shyly.

Ye Mu'an grinned, which actually made Mo Xi's face turn red even more...

She quickly pulled him up: "Let's go, let's go home quickly."

If she stayed any longer, she was afraid that Ye Muan would spit out some important topic!

It's just too sharp.

She thought that she would be exaggerating when she was drunk, but she didn't expect that Ye Muan was drunk, it turned out to be like this!
Not only cute, but also aggrieved like a child.

Open your mouth to eat meat!

Did she stop giving him meat? !

Cough, isn't my aunt suddenly visiting, what can she do?
Blame her?
She couldn't help rolling her eyes, and pulled Ye Muan to leave.

Ye Muan actually obediently let her drag him away.

Perhaps, even Ye Muan, who was drunk, listened to Mo Xi's words very much.

(End of this chapter)

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