The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 110 The host is a monk Recommendation ticket plus update

Chapter 110 The host is a monk (37) Recommendation ticket plus update

Her voice suddenly changed from anger to astonishment, and she looked at Xu Xian's soul that Su Ye took out from the golden bowl in surprise, then her eyes were burning again, and she glared fiercely at Su Ye:

"Fa Hai, quickly return the official's soul to me!"

Su ignored her, and Fei Cui glanced at the shrinking transparent soul. Although she was also surprised, she still pushed it jokingly. Of course, her hand passed through the soul:

"Xu Xian, go, your snake spirit lady is calling you!"

Xu Xian was trembling, shrunk to Su Ye's side, lowered his head vigorously, afraid to go over in fear:

"That...that's not my wife, she is a snake demon, a snake demon that can eat people!"

As soon as Jade heard the music, she raised her eyebrows provocatively and looked at the white snake:

"See, it's your official who refuses to go there, not my master who refuses to let him go."

"Sister, it's a pity that you are going to the underworld because of him, let's see how he repays you!"

Xiaoqing, who was behind the white snake, saw Xu Xian's unfeelingness, and an unknown fire burst out.

Fortunately, he had no money to open a pharmacy, and his sister even asked her to steal Kuyin to fund him. Unexpectedly...

Sure enough, humans are ruthless!

The white snake, who was in love with his brain, looked at Xu Xian who was timidly hiding behind that smelly monk and refused to come out, and automatically realized that he was threatened by the monk.

Therefore, her eyes became firmer, and her hatred for Su Ye became stronger:

"Fahai, even if you are better than me now, I will rescue the officials today!"

He lowered his eyebrows a little, but Su didn't resist the urge to roll his eyes. He turned his head and glanced at Xu Xian, who was as cowardly as a mouse. The corners of his mouth twitched, and he was forced to pull him out, and threw him in front of the white snake. His voice was cold-blooded and cold:

"Benefactor, your wife is looking for you."

The white snake rushed forward and hugged Xu Xian. Xu Xian, who was already shaking like a sieve, screamed as if he had been struck by lightning, and wanted to struggle away from the white snake's embrace.

"Officer, what's wrong with you, I'm your wife, look, I'm your wife, officer..."

White Snake explained in a panic, trying to calm him down, but Xu Xian still yelled and yelled like crazy.

He looks like this, even Jade can't stand it anymore:
"What's your name? Even if she's a monster, she hasn't hurt you. What are you afraid of?"

"No no no, she is a monster, she can eat people, she can eat people!"

Xu Xian couldn't hear Fei Cui's words at all, a monster is a monster, as long as he thought of sharing the bed with a snake monster for so long, he wished he could just die of fright.

Xu Xian's words were like a sharp sword with strong lethality, his face was pale from the wound of the white snake, and unbelievable tears filled his beautiful eyes:

"You snake demon, let me go, let me go..."

Xu Xian screamed and struggled desperately, as if the white snake really bit him.

"Master, master, save me, please save me quickly!"

The soul was struggling hysterically in the embrace of the white snake, Su also said:

"Benefactor, you really don't want to be her official?"

After finally hearing Su Ye speak, Xu Xian burst into tears of excitement:

"Yes, I don't want to!"

 I couldn't get into the backstage just now, but the update was late, so the confession to the cuties at zero o'clock was delayed, groaning, unhappy! ! !Still, I love you guys! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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