The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 114 The host is a monk Recommendation ticket plus update

Chapter 114 The host is a monk (41) Recommendation ticket plus update
Holding the fluffy tail of the red fox, Jade seemed to have discovered a new world. Excitedly, she patted Wein's shoulder with the other hand, and then poked the protruding lump at the root of the red fox's tail excitedly:
"Wein, look quickly, this is actually a fox with a handle!"

Jiu Yuan who was shot: "..."

Very good, woman, you have attracted Ben's attention.

Finally, Jade carried the red-haired fox all the way back to Jinshan Temple.

Foxes that are alert and cunning are rare, and red-haired foxes are even rarer.

So along the way, when Fei Cui saw a monk she knew, she held up the red-haired fox in her hand, poked at the base of the fox's soft tail, and announced excitedly everywhere:
"Look, little master, I picked up a male red-haired fox."

The distance from Houshan to Jinshan Temple is not long, but Jiuyuan feels humiliated for 1000 years, no, 1 years!

His majestic Nine-Tailed Clan, Lord Jiuyuan, who has the most noble spirit fox bloodline, was carried upside down without dignity, and was looked naked, and even looked at, and was shot!

Forget it, White Snake, Xiaoqing, where are you, come and kill me, I have nothing left to love.

Carrying the red-haired fox, Fei Cui hopped all the way to find Su Ye:

"Master, help me see where this red-haired fox is injured."

Jiu Yuan was flung on the futon without dignity, and just about to jump up to resist, he was keenly aware of a cold but dangerous gaze, locked on him.

Turning his head stiffly, a monk appeared in his sight, a monk with golden light!

What is a golden monk is the kind of golden monk who has half a foot in the fairy class, as long as the boss is willing, he can become a Buddha in the next second.

The sharp teeth that were originally bared were retracted very sensibly.

The red-haired fox, who was aggressive one second, got up from the futon unscrupulously the next second. Seeing that it was stained by himself, he swept his fluffy tail with special eyesight, and then shrank in On one side, the tail is curled up, the head rests on the tail, the watery but narrow eyes, blink hard.

Master, my slave is very good~

Su also glanced at it, and continued to twist the beads:
"It's not really hurt, it's just something wrong with the eyes."


When Fei Cui heard that the red-haired fox was not hurt, she really believed it.

Jiu Yuan couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, are you blind?I can't see that his legs are broken, and the inner alchemy is also broken?
Jiu Yuan didn't give up. Although the monk looked cold and a bit scary, he had clearly seen through his identity but didn't expose it. This woman named Fei Cui didn't respect him very much, so she should be easy to get along with.

Therefore, Jiu Yuan bravely dragged half of his broken leg and moved to Su Ye's side. Seeing that he ignored him, his eyes blinked even more.

Su Ye glanced at his virtue from the corner of his eye, and inexplicably remembered those beggars pretending to be disabled in the real world.

I closed my eyes, said a word of Amitabha, and was rubbed by a fox on my leg.

Opening his eyes, the fox blinked ferociously like a cramp.

Su Ye finally impatiently took a Buddhist bead, crushed it with his palm, and roughly sprinkled it on Jiu Yuan's body.

As if bathed in the sun, the pain on his body, as well as the damaged inner alchemy, miraculously healed in an instant.

Jiu Yuan was so excited that he transformed into a human form...

Jade is actually a potential beauty control just like Wein.

At this moment, she didn't expect that she would save a fox demon, let alone that this fox demon was different from the white snake, going out without clothes.

 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ! ! !How can I love you so much, the recommended votes of the slags broke new highs in a row. Yesterday, 8 votes were short of 300. I am so excited, I love you so much! ! ! !I'm really lucky to have everyone's support all the way, and I love you all in a thousand words! !


(End of this chapter)

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