The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 116 The host is a monk

Chapter 116 The host is a monk (42)

His eyes slowly moved down from the fox's charming and lustful feminine face, and finally landed on the place where she bounced all the way...


Fei Cui whistled roguely, showing an indescribable and wretched expression of "not bad, not bad".

The fox demon Benmei, let alone Jiu Yuan who has cultivated for thousands of years, has never seen or tasted anything, but she has never been stared at by a hooligan who is a bit of a female hooligan... Female (HE) ( XIE) did.

Even as a fox demon, he was a little bit overwhelmed.

Su had already twirled the Buddha beads again, and said in a calm manner:

"No complaints, no debts, why are you guilty, but the poor monk has saved your life, so you can repay her with your body, stay by Fei Cui's side, and protect her."

Protect female hooligans?
Jiu Yuan: "I don't..."

Before finishing the words of refusal, the monk spoke lightly, with a smile in his voice, and the gentleness made people feel like spring breeze:

"The poor monk has demons in his heart, and if it doesn't go smoothly, it will be easy..."

"...I'm not that kind of wolf-hearted monster, I will surely repay you for saving my life, and I will definitely protect this girl!!"

So when Xu Xian discovered that the fox that Fei Cui picked up turned out to be a fox queen with a charming mind, Xu Xian broke the roof with his voice:

"Are you crazy? He's a monster and you dare to take him in, aren't you afraid that he can eat people like that snake demon?"

Jiu Yuan was lazily licking the fur all over his body, and when he heard his words, he rolled his eyes, looking a bit disgusted:

"I am a spirit fox, and I practice the righteous way. I don't bother to eat your human flesh, which is sour and stinky!"

In fact, speaking of it, he has a higher level of cultivation than the white snake, but it is not easy to practice the righteous way, and it is understandable that he cannot beat the white and green snakes.

This is like the imperial examinations. Those who study hard are definitely not as good as those cheaters who steal and play tricks.

Unless you encounter some once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

However, demons who follow the righteous way of cultivation are also good. The hundred-year catastrophe will be easier, and the time to be ranked in the immortal class will be earlier. , can also be offset by merit.

And those monsters who walk in crooked ways are themselves burdened with sins. Although they can practice a lot in a day, but if they don't keep it safe, they will be killed by the catastrophe one day.

"Hey, Xu Xian, let me tell you, can you stop being so timid? If he really eats people, would he still dare to go to the main hall to burn incense and worship Buddha every day?"

The more she gets along with Xu Xian, the more Fei Cui looks down on Xu Xian.

Timid, cowardly, pedantic!

Although White Snake's three views are not correct, he loves him wholeheartedly.

Even if Xu Xian is really afraid of the white snake and doesn't want to get entangled with the white snake, he shouldn't slander the white snake everywhere!
Compared with him, she felt that it was still easy for Jiu Yuan to get along with him.

But what subverted her three views the most was that Jiuyuan, as a fox demon, dared to burn incense and worship Buddha, and was more diligent than those pilgrims.

Even in order to show sincerity, I used the real body of a fox to worship before dawn, and the heart to the Buddha is called sincerity.

But as the master said, if you are dedicated to goodness, even if you are a demon or a ghost, you will not be afraid in front of the Buddha.

Because, before the Buddha, all living beings are equal.


(End of this chapter)

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